Monday 6 February 2012

We can't worry about what others may say or do

I have consciously decided that I am going to take my time, remain below the radar and not antagonise anything because there is so much chaos around me as it is. I am trying really hard to radiate the abundance, love and light I feel inside out to those who want to receive it. I am trying to not get involved in the mudslinging, name calling, and malicious gossip that have become the norm in our society. Where people feel the only way they can look good is to tear someone else down rather than sharing and building each other up. Trying to stay out of the negative energy that is being spread and be true to who I am. Not judging. Not accusing. Just being.
So why is it that people do things to test you even when you are trying to stay out of the fracas? Why? I wondered to myself. While contemplating these questions, I decided to sit outside in the sun. Facing it. Eyes closed. Breathing. Trying to understand the why. And something magical occurred.
I could see vividly the colour red even though my eyes were closed. And then I could feel the colour red flowing all through me. A power manifested in my being and I went deeper within. The red gave way to white and a calmness ran through me. Then the white gave way to a gold yellow colour and a feeling of reassurance ran through me. A warmth flowed through my being as I opened my eyes to the light. Amazed to see the colours were more subdued than they were before I closed my eyes but yet  so much more crisp, vivid.
I sat in silence inhaling the air. Savouring the moment. Just letting thoughts run through my mind as the sound of the wind whistled past my ears. And just like that, the answer came to me about the why. And it was and will continue to be, it is not for us to worry about other people because that is their story not ours. As long as we continue to operate from a place of abundance, love and light, their words can never hurt us. So we need not waste any energy on worrying about the why because it is their journey not ours.
I looked around at nature, at its cooperative way of being where each thing is reliant on the other to thrive and I thought how much better our world could be if we only took a look at our surroundings and acted accordingly – together not against each other.  Recognising we are all one, a part of the human family. If we hurt one, we hurt all. If we help one, we help all.

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