Monday 13 February 2012

Success is not a pinnacle, it is a journey

Does anyone know what the true meaning of success is? Why is it that so many people, who to the outside world, had reached their pinnacles, like Michael Jackson, Any Winehouse, and now Whitney Houston, could not control the demons inside them.
To us on the outside looking in, they had it all. The success. The fame. The glory. But what did it all mean? Why are they all dying trying to hold onto a world that only existed in their imaginations – a place they feel safe when under the influence of drugs.
Has success been taken to a whole new level now? Are we expecting too much from people? Wanting to be inside their heads all the time. Rooting for them when they are doing well. Turning our backs on them when they fall. Has life become like a spectator sport where we are living vicariously through the lives of others?  Through the lives of superstars. Expecting them to be more than they are capable of being. Expecting them to be on form at all times. Angry when they aren’t. Knowing full well that we aren’t on form all the time.
Some of us even seem to relish in the fall of these stars because somehow it makes our lives seem that much better knowing they had it all but couldn’t handle it. Many of us say what a waste. If I had their talent I would be unstoppable. Would we? Could we?
Do we think because these people are superstars that somehow they do not have the same limitations as we do. Forgetting they are imperfect human beings just as we are.  Do they come to believe they are infallible too because we hold them to a completely different standard? Do they buy into the hype and start taking drugs because it numbs the reality of their human limitations? And allows them to fly. Makes them feel inhuman and invincible as we think they are.
How do we define success? When I heard about Whitney the first thought that ran through my mind was boy am I glad I’m not famous because for now being famous seems to equate to a drug overdose, demons constantly chasing you and a fear of confronting self because self is not authentic. Is it better to be ordinary people who can blend into the crowd when need be with no pressure from anyone but ourselves? Rather than millions of people from around the world watching, judging our every move. Critiquing our every action. Commenting on how bad we look. Knocking us down even further when we are down rather than building us up.
The pressure must be immense. People who step into this never ending limelight have to be strong. Have to know who they are. Their true authentic selves. Without question or doubt. So that when the naysayers come and the bogey man is rapping at the door they can stand tall and erect and not falter.
In some ways they have to possess the powers of a superhuman to withstand the intense scrutiny if they want to make it in this world. And most of all they cannot take themselves too seriously because at the end of the day, they are human just like we are.
I think too many people get caught up in believing success is a destination rather than understanding it is a journey that moves and changes with us. The pinnacle is never reached because there is no pinnacle, just meandering paths that continue us on our journey. We need to stop looking at success as something we have achieved.  Instead, we need to enjoy it for what it is. Diving into its flow. Without question. Without suspicion. Just floating, floating on....

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