Monday 20 February 2012

Travel can be eye opening

Travel can be an eye opening experience especially when you go through turbulence while flying as I did yesterday. I was really tired because I got up very early yesterday morning to do all the things I had put off on Saturday to spend the day with Whitney. So as soon as I got on the flight I fell asleep. Only to be woken up by the airplane rocking and rolling. My heart in my throat. Racing. Worrying. I really don’t like flying without my family because I feel guilty for leaving them and worry I may not get back to see them. So when that flight starting bucking I started praying. Asking the Universe to get me where I needed to be. To do what I had to do then get me back home to my family.
After saying my prayer I opened my eyes and looked out the window and was so surprised to see the clear blue skies above us. The big white puffy clouds beneath us. But yet we were being rocked all over the place. The airplane was squeaking. Moving up and down. I was confused. There was nothing outside that looked violent. Nothing looked capable of creating such turbulence. My mind was saying but there has to be something so I looked harder. Still nothing. Then I realized that just like life, there are invisible forces we have no control over that can change the dynamics of situations we find ourselves. Sometimes we can’t see them. But we can feel them. Sometimes we don’t understand them but they are there.
Though the outside looked beautiful and serene. The clouds like pillows that I could sleep on. Like they would be so soft and protective. The sky the colour blue that is so beautiful it’s difficult to explain. But their beauty was deceiving because there were forces between them that were causing the air to be turbulent. And then I saw them, the tendrils, almost invisible at first, stretching across the sky. Moving in and out. Snaking. Appearing and disappearing. Tiny tendrils of clouds moving over and around the airplane and every time they did, the airplane rocked. 
At that point, I had my second epiphany and it was that sometimes it’s the small things in life that can be the most significant, have the most impact. We don’t have to look for the dramatic things to make a difference in our loves. Sometimes it’s the small steps. Just like those little tendrils of clouds seemed so insignificant I didn’t even see them at first because I was looking for the storm clouds, the dramatic. When all the while, it was those little clouds that were rocking us about.
We need not be disappointed with the small steps we take in life. Because it could be those steps that lead to the change we have always been looking for. If little wispy clouds can rock a plane full of people, small steps can have significant impact on our lives as well.
There are lessons all around us. In every step we take. Every breath we take. Everything we see. Everything we hear. Everyone and everything that comes into our lives come for a reason. We just have to be open to receive the lesson.
What’s even more satisfying is once I accepted the turbulence for what it was, just like that it disappeared. Gone. And then a peace came over me as I thanked the Universe for the lesson it gave me once again. For my turbulent journey yesterday I am totally grateful.

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