Friday 5 September 2014

Who are we anyway?

Who are we anyway
What gives one of us the desire to triumph over another at the expense of the other
Why do we look at each other from a point of envy
Of wanting to win over the other
Leave the other behind
When really we need each other
Who are we anyway
What are we really here to do
Why do we put a face on in front of one and don another in front of others
Why do we not remain true to who we are
When being someone else exhausts us and makes us hurt on the inside
Why do we think it is easier to be someone that we are not
Who are we anyway
Particularly when we stand still long enough
And observe fully that as we age
As we mature
We learn no matter how hard we try to run
No matter how hard we try to hide from the truth
From our truth
Life has a funny way of always bringing us face to face with who we are
Whether we are ready to see who we are or not
Because if we continue to hide behind the veils
Continue to be who we are not
Eventually we are brought face to face with ourselves
By being rejected, shunned, or ostracized by the very people we are pretending in front of
Because eventually they get tired of our two facedness
Eventually they get tired of our shenanigans
And we are left standing
Standing all alone
Wondering what happened
Questioning who we are and why we are here
Standing in front of the mirror
Trying hard to put the shattered pieces of ourselves back together again
Unable to fully see who we are
Unable to come to terms with the image that is staring back at us
The broken one
Broken into millions of little pieces
Fragile as hell
That's why it is so much better for us to question who we are really
To be brave enough to remain silent to listen to the answer that comes back
To allow ourselves to feel the vibes when we are in places and with people that do nothing for us
That disappoint us because we thought they were one way when in fact they are another
Nothing like what we thought
But then it is not up to us to condemn them or judge them
No, it is up to us to find those who make us happy
Those who accept us for who we are
Those who bring us joy
Those who will be in our corner no matter what
Those who truly bring light into our lives
So that we can bring light into our own lives and then share it with them
Giving and receiving
Not just taking
Who are we anyway
What are we here to do
Are we here to support each other
Are we here to remember that ultimately we are all one
That what we do to one
We do to all
Because our energy is universally connected
Our lives spring from the same core
Allowing us to remember
Absent of ego
We recognize we are all
And all is us
Opening us to know
That is who we are
That is why we are
There is no one
There is only everyone
Who are we anyway
We are anyway
Because we are always
Who we are
Where we are

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