Tuesday 16 September 2014

People who are not afraid of failure

I came across this wonderful quote last week and for some reason I have not explored it until now, "People who are not afraid of failure can go anywhere".
Think about it, People who are not afraid of failure are not worried about what anyone says about them. Not worried about the image they portray because they are not portraying an image, they are living. Are not hampered by the naysayers because they see the naysayers for who they are - dream snatchers and destroyers. Are not restricted by what society believes is the correct way to live and be because they know there is no correct way to live or be - life just is according to where we are in our growth.
People who are not afraid of failure accept that in order to grow, in order explore who they are and who they are not, that they have to challenge themselves. And only themselves. They know they are not competing with anyone else but themselves so what anyone else has to say about their growth has nothing to do with them. They shut out the noise of the world. Close their ears to those who try to bring them down. And they keep forging on. Finding those who share their fearless nature when it comes to failure because they know when they challenge themselves, they will sometimes fail. But what these people understand is there is no such thing as failure - only gateways to what does not suit them. Nudges to move in another direction.
People who aren't afraid of failure would rather keep trying than standing still and just going with the status quo, boring themselves to death. To them remaining with the status quo is failure. Not being brave enough to buck the tide and rise above the rest constitute failure to those who are unafraid to fail. They see opportunity in everything and everyone so they forge ahead no mater what.
People who are not afraid of failure know the only failure is not doing, not starting, not trying. They see failure as a gift. As a means to getting to where they ultimately want to go. Picking themselves up, dusting themselves off and going on despite the mishaps or missteps.
People who are not afraid of failure remain curious about life because they know curiosity keeps them moving. Keeps them going even when they face their greatest challenge. Even when they are terrified, they keep going. They recognise it is the fear that is pushing them to move beyond where they have become complacent.
People who are not afraid to fail can go anywhere, do anything, be anything because they understand they, and only they, hold the key to their success, to their journey. They understand there is no outside challenge or influence that can keep them from their dreams unless they allow them. They know there are no lucky people. Only people who are willing to go where everyone else is afraid to go. Only people who know there are no closed doors, no locked doors - only those we choose to see as impediments, as excuses for why we can't go where we want to go.
So next time, we think we are not capable of achieving or afraid of getting egg on our faces, let's take a page out of the books of those who see failure as a gift and just go for it. The only way people who are not afraid to fail have been able to go anywhere they want is by being unafraid of failure. Unafraid to fall. Unafraid of facing themselves - the only challenge we ever really have to overcome - the challenge of being who we are. Only then can we tap into our essence self. Allowing us to embrace the power of our own being. Liberating us from the bondage of being afraid to fail so we can go anywhere we want, be anything we want. What a wonderful gift to give to ourselves - letting go of the fear of failure and instead seeing it as a gateway to our own success.

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