Tuesday 2 September 2014

A wonderful end to summer vacation for my children

 Yesterday marked the end of the summer holiday for my children. Today marks the beginning of a new school year for them. As I have said many times in the past - to every ending there is a beginning and to every beginning there is an ending. Yesterday was a bitter sweet day. The sun came out in its full glory. Enticing us outside. Luring us to explore our beautiful island home as nature gave us the picture perfect day. Showing us Bermuda at her best. 
We decided to go out on our boat because the day was that perfect. The boat we had bought early in the summer but because our paths had taken us on so many different routes, we had not had the opportunity as a family, as the four of us, to go out on our boat together.
And me, being the non water person that I am, I was not that fussed about going out on it any how. But because it was the last day of the summer holiday for our children and nature was calling us outside, I acquiesced and went out with my family. We packed our bags full of goodies to take. Put on our bathing suits, normally a no no for me as well. But yesterday I did not feel normal. I felt daring. Adventurous. Ready to have fun. We had been marooned in for so long with rain that with the sun shining outside, I wanted to be the child that lives deep down inside me. We packed up the car and off we went. On our adventure. Off on our little red boat,  "Slow Roller".
After unpacking all of our stuff on our boat. Loading her up with stuff, we were off. Goofing around with the camera. Taking selfies, usies and photos of the beauty we found as we took a slow ride to wherever destiny saw fit to take us. No plans. No real decisions about where to go until we got out on the water and let Slow Roller go where we felt she needed to go. Lots of others had the same idea because there were loads of boats on the water and everyone seemed to be happy. Up for adventure. Up for exploring our beautiful Island home that looks even more spectacular from the water. Even the turtles wanted to be a part of the action as they seemed curious about all of us in their domain, so they kept popping their little heads above the water. Diving down when we got too close. Too fast for me to take a photo of them. But happy that I had the opportunity to see them. Feelings of gratitude washing over me as we motored happily along in our sturdy family red boat. 
Looking over the bow of the boat out at the expanse of the horizon, with my husband at the helm and my children happily chatting, I thought about how much I have to be grateful for. How could I not when I was surrounded by nature at her best. The colours of the ocean dazzling my eyes - blues almost indescribable, clouds like puffy pillows, clear clear ocean so that we could see the bottom shimmering like jewels. It was one of those days when I let all my inhibitions go and took off my cover up and jumped in the water. Well not exactly jumped. But I got in the water much to the surprise of my family. The woman who does not interfere with the water. Nor does she get wet. And she most certainly does not normally have on a two piece bikini. But yesterday she did. Yesterday I did. Playing in the water pretending I was a mermaid.
And you know what ladies, I think I found the solution to those wretched hot flashes as the water cooled my body temperature and the heat that normally has me feeling flushed. The water gently caressing my every hormone re-balancing them. Wish I had known sooner about this magical and free treatment for those dreaded hot flashes. I found myself feeling like a teenager again as age left me and was replaced by the girl who could rival my 11 year old. Happy is not even enough of a word to describe how I felt when I allowed myself to just let go and to float in the ocean. Closing my eyes and allowing the coolness of the water to bathe me in its love.  No photos though to show me in my glory but memories enough for me to treasure.
By letting go, I showed myself and my children that when we go with the flow of life, when we don't resist the urge to just do it, it's amazing how free we can feel.  how free we are and can be. How fear and apprehension take a back seat to life. To enjoying life. All four of us swimming in the water, frolicking, playing together. Laughing like 4 children rather than 2 parents and 2 children. Nature equalizing us for that short while as we played in its bounty.
As the pictures show we had a wonderful day out on the ocean so much so that even a heron came out to greet us and watched us as we docked the boat. Leaving me feeling so full. So full of all that life has to offer when we remember to slow down and smell the ocean. To be fully present. Not projecting into tomorrow. Nor living in the past. But to just enjoy all that life has to offer us when we remain in the moment rather than focusing on what is out there rather than on what is going on right here, right now in front of us. 
Yesterday was a bittersweet day because it marked the ending of our children's summer vacation  but it was also a day full of joy and surrender and family togetherness. Here's to a beautiful way to end the summer vacation with our children yesterday arming them with lots of memories and love as they start their new school year today with love and light. As they go out today starting anew. Wishing my beautiful children and all the other children starting school today all the best.

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