Wednesday 3 September 2014

War does not beget peace

No matter how hard we try to stay away from drama
No matter how hard we want to live a life of peace
There are those who thrive on drama
And do not and cannot know peace
Because if they were to surrender to peace
They would have to surrender to themselves
And really work on themselves
And that requires some real soul searching 
That many cannot handle
Because it is so much easier in their minds
To blame everyone else for where they find themselves
So instead they focus on creating drama
Because it takes them away from the lives they do not have
The lives they feel trapped in
And so they seek out the peacemakers
Because they want to prove 
There is no such thing as a peacemaker
No such thing as peace
Because it eludes them
So it must not be true in  their minds
And they are hell bent on proving its untruth
No matter who they sweep up in their wake
No matter how many lives they destroy
Relationships they may ruin
They chip away and chip away until they find an opening
A way to get into the peacemaker's lives
And try their best to disrupt the peaceful way the peacemaker lives
They try their best to show to the world 
Peacemakers are not peaceful
Not peaceful at all
But what they don't realise is 
Peacemakers are always at peace 
Even when they aren't
Peacemakers don't have to prove anything to anyone
Peacemakers know they are at peace from a place deep down inside
They also know that sometimes
There is no way to stop
No way to stop
The inevitable from happening
That in some instances 
They can't protect themselves forever from having to confront
That which is seeking them
That which is anxious to confront them
Peacemakers know there are those who are trying 
And wanting more than anything to confront them
Pull them into their drama
And reduce them to their level
But peacemakers know even when confronted
That the only way to confront the one who wants to confront
Is to be who they are at all times
To remain grounded in their beliefs
Remain true to the values they represent
No matter how hard the one who wants to confront
Wants to drag the peacemakers into the mud
No matter how hard the one who wants to confront tries to ensnare the peacemakers
And pull them into their murky world
Throughout it all when peacemakers remain true to who they are
No matter how hard the war makers try
Peacemakers know the war makers will eventually exhaust themselves
Revealing their true intentions
And pull not the peacemakers 
But themselves out into the light
For the whole world to see
Peace is much greater than war
Because wars are not won until the wager of war
Learns to confront herself
Or himself 
Until the war maker recognizes that the only war being fought
Is the war with himself or herself
Peacemakers know in their heart of hearts
War does not destroy peace
Unless the peacemaker gives in to the battle 
That has nothing to do with her
Nothing to do with him
And becomes the war maker trying to find peace
Rather than remaining as the peacemaker
Who knows peace all along
And lives from a place of love and light
Compassion and Forgiveness
Not seeking to destroy anyone to make herself look better
But living life shining light onto himself 
Then sharing that light with those who so choose to embrace it
Knowing always
War does not beget peace
Only peace begets peace

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