Saturday 6 September 2014

Compassion is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves

The greatest gift we can give to ourselves and to the world is compassion. So many of us spend so much time finding fault in others. Judging others. Waiting for them to do something wrong. Hoping they do something wrong so we can swoop in like a murder of crows and pick over the carnage. Gleeful they faltered while we remain unscathed. So we falsely believe.
So many of us spend so much time trying to make ourselves feel important by diminishing the light of others. Without realizing that when we do this, we are actually diminishing the light for not just the one but for us all.
Compassion teaches us to see the world through the eyes of others. To feel their pain. To understand that they are doing the best they can and sometimes they will mess us just as we will. Forgetting that the only way to escape making a mistake is to stay in our lane and never move outside of it while dying of boredom on the inside. When we step outside of our lane, we will find situations we have never encountered before and therefore we may err in our ways. Helping us to accept none of us are perfect. None of us get it right 100% of the time.
Therefore it is not up to us to condemn anyone unless they make it a practice of condemning themselves and others as well. Because when we condemn and they condemn all that is created is oppression and a lot of bad energy. A vicious cycle of bad karma that never ends.
I am getting so tired of people who put themselves in the middle of everyone else's drama and then wonder why all they see is drama. Drama loves to be with drama because it is so much easier to focus on the shortcomings of others than it is so see our own shortcomings and work on them. By projecting over there we falsely believe we are taking the light off ourselves. Taking the heat away from ourselves but in fact the opposite happens - we bring the shortcoming into our hearts where it stays and grows. Until we find we can't breathe anymore without disrupting someone else's life to deflect away from us.
If only we could practice compassion more and see that when people make mistakes, when people fail, they are doing so so they can learn. So they can grow. So they can understand more about themselves. It is not for anyone else to judge them. Not for anyone else to try to bring them down. Not for anyone to spread malicious gossip about them. It is a cry for help sometimes as well.
So instead of contributing to the negative energy that comes from bringing another down, why don't we learn and practice compassion instead. Helping rather than hindering. Growing together rather than keeping each other down in the dark pits of loathing and wondering why the sun never shines on us. Wondering why everyone else has good luck rather than us.
If we look at those who bask in the sunlight, those whose lives are moving on, we will discover it is because they are looking out for the best interests of  themselves and then they extend those feelings to those who cross their paths. Not afraid to share the light with others because they know there is an abundance of light, not a scarcity. they live life knowing there is enough light for everyone. They understand there is no need to throw anyone in the shade in order for the light to remain on them.
So next time, we are drawn into drama, think about how we would feel if we were the subject of the drama being created and if we would not like it, then we need to walk away from those who lurk in the dark shadows hoping to pull anyone with light into their dark and malicious world. And instead we need to find those who know there is an abundance and light and be with them.
Only then will we be able to shift our energy from one of darkness to light. Only then will we be able to bask in the sunshine and come out of the pits of darkness. Only then will we know compassion, love and light because we honestly want it for ourselves and in wanting it for ourselves we are happy when others receive it as well.

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