Wednesday 10 September 2014

So grateful to be part of the gratitude chain

There is a natural goodness in us all. A natural peace in us all. And every once in a while that natural goodness combines with that natural peace and does something like what is occurring on Facebook right now. Someone started a chain of gratitude that is spreading like wildfire and I am honored to be a part of this chain. Of this group that is spreading love and light in our own individual ways.
By expressing our individual gratitude, we are adding to the collective consciousness that is all of us. And by connecting, we are increasing the positive vibration. The positive vibration that will help to shift the way we feel as a whole. Shifting us from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance.
Normally I try to stay away from chains. However this chain is one that resonates with me from a deeper level because I know how effective and life changing expressing gratitude can be. I began my grateful journal during a very dark time in my life and at first it was really difficult to find anything to be grateful for. But each day I found it became easier and easier to find something to be grateful for. I also discovered the more grateful I am, the more doors open for me.
Today is my fifth and last day of the challenge and I am so glad I took part in a public way in expressing my gratitude. Even though my challenge ends today, my expression of gratitude will not.
As many of you know I have been writing a grateful journal every day for the last 18 years. And I have to say that it is this practice every night that helps to ground me. Helps to keep me to from sinking into the pits of darkness.
Over the years of practicing this nightly ritual before going to bed, I find I am able to shift my feelings of sadness and emptiness to feelings of fullness. To fully feel those days when everything goes right. The minute I start to write my gratitude for the day, I feel my whole being shifting because I know there is always something to be grateful for. Always. And it is this ritual that reminds me that there is always something good occurring in our lives. Always something to be grateful for. Allowing me to see through through the darkness into the light.
Taking the time each day to write what I am grateful for teaches me every single day that life is truly good even on those days when we feel like nothing is going right in our lives. On those days when someone does something unkind that makes us question who we are and what was the point of the act. It is those days when I realise the simplest gestures, the simplest acts are the ones that I am the most grateful for. Like waking up. Breathing. Seeing another day. My family. My home. Love.
So for those who have taken up the challenge to express gratitude for 5 days publicly, I hope you will continue to tap into the natural goodness and peace that are innate in us all by continuing to express gratitude for everything and everyone that come into your lives as I do every single day.
The practice of gratitude allows me to accept that everything and everyone, even those who we believe may not be good, come to teach us something about who we are and who we are not. So for whatever the act may be or the circumstance may be, when we express gratitude for it coming into our lives, we accept we are on a learning path just as they are. We accept that life is full of ups and downs, mishaps and wrong turns but each one of these things is helping us to grow into who we are. And away from who we are not.
Gratitude helps us to see this and to feel and know we are worthy. Hopefully this chain of expressing public gratitude will help those who have not practiced gratitude before to continue to do. Because expressing gratitude teaches us there is always, always something to be grateful for. And for me it is one of the most liberating things I do for my soul because it reconnects me to the One Source from where we all emanate every single night just before I close my eyes and go to sleep.
May gratitude always have a place in our lives and for this chain of gratitude for introducing many to the practice, I am truly grateful. Namaste

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