Saturday 20 September 2014

Our closet circle is reflective of the energy we project

The energy we bring into the room is the energy we will attract. The person we are on the inside is indicative of the people we will attract. Who we are essentially is reflected in the people we are always with because we become those who we surround ourselves with. As the people we surround ourselves with become us. Our closet circle becomes the mirror of our soul. The key to our essence self.
The energy we most resonate becomes the story of our lives. If we want to change the story of our lives, we have to check in with who we are on the inside. Who we think we are cleverly disguising and doing what we think will make others believe we are one way when on the inside we are another brings more conflict into our lives rather than peace. Our essence self cannot be disguised because it is who we are.
Life give us exactly what we put out despite the persona we may project. There is no disguising from ourselves who we truly are. And who we truly are is reflected in our life experience. If we are ones who love peace and do our best to promote and seek peace, sometimes we will attract those who want to upset our peace into our lives, to test us to see if we really want peace. The reason we attract them is because we sometimes doubt who we are and attract in who we are not. Attract in our doubt.
Until we see the antithesis of who we are, we do not realise it is doubt that is attracting in the opposite energy of who we are.  When we meet our antithesis energy, it is up to us to adjust to become people of peace again. We rid ourselves of our doubting thoughts and in doing so, we rid ourselves of those who are not us. Not by rejecting them outright but by being who we are on the inside which directs us back to our place of peace. Such that when our antithesis self sees we are truly people of peace and we determine they are otherwise, we move away from each other because we no longer relate to each other. Not because of hate. Never with malice but purely because our energy is combustible rather than compatible.
Likewise when we are surrounded by drama all the time, it is because we are inviting the drama into our lives by putting ourselves in the middle of it. Sending out energy to keep it with us. Rather than seeing it is there to show us how not to be. And adjusting our energy so the drama no longer serves us and it moves away.
Life takes us on a myriad of emotions because it is showing us where we are at any given present moment in our lives. Asking us to determine if the place we find ourselves in, both physically and emotionally, is the place we want to remain in. Because in order for us to be one way and know it is the way we want to be, we are sent the opposite of ourselves to show us how we could be if we weren't being who we are at the present moment. Then it is up to us to decide which way we want to go. Bearing in mind that whatever way we choose to go, we will attract more of it into our lives with the energy we put out.
Life has a funny way of balancing us - allowing us to see the opposite of who we are so we can choose who we want to be. Letting us know, we are always in  control of the emotions we bring. We are never in control of the emotions others may bring so it makes no sense fighting something or someone that is beyond our control. When we do, we become them and less of ourselves.
Therefore it is up to us and only us to determine what energy we bring into the room. To determine who we are authentically. Because of the duality of our existence we carry both good and bad, darkness and light within us and it is up to us to decide which way we want to be. Trying our hardest to not judge anyone else for the choices they make and the energy they bring into the room. And respectfully keeping our distance and being with those who bring us the most joy rather than those who steal our joy.
Remembering as much as we can, each of us is responsible for the energy we bring into the room. And our closet circle is reflective of the energy we project.

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