Saturday 2 August 2014

There is no greater feeling than the act and art of love

Love is one of those emotions. Those feelings that we have no control over. That we cannot contain. It sneaks in when we least expect it causing us to feel such pain. A pain that is both sweet and sour. Bitter yet satisfying.
It is a feeling that remains even when all is is gone but can only come when we open our hearts to it and allow it to be what it is meant to be. Love, I believe is the feeling that allows us to know we are alive and explains why we are here on this planet. Why we came.
Without love, there would be no future. No tomorrow. Because it is in the throes of love that we create, procreate and continue on by bringing forth the next generation who will continue to carry forth the torch of love to the next generation to come after them.
I am feeling the pain of love right now because my family is in different places right now. My daughter away for a great length of time at a camp trying to discover her passion. My husband and son at home together. Me away at a gathering I had to explore because it had crept into my veins and would not leave. All of us in different places, exploring our different interests. And my heart is yearning for us to be back together again. To be in the same place, the place we sometimes take for granted when we are all together.
Even though my heart is full of love for my family, at the same time it is breaking because we are not all in the same place. The dichotomy of love filling me with both joy and pain, happiness and sadness as a tear forms in the corner of my eye. The yearning for the physical presence of love while the spiritual presence of love rushes to fill the void.
There is no greater feeling than love. No greater comfort than love. No other emotion or presence that makes us know we are alive. No other feeling that allows us to know we matter than the feeling of love. Real love not forced or pretend love. Even though those types of love still evoke feelings that cannot be made up or conjured up. They come from the broken part of who we are.
Love is the most powerful emotion and feeling we will ever know because it comes from the place we cannot hide even when we think we can. Love comes from that place of vulnerability that resides within us all. That place that asks us to explore who we are and why we are here. That place that forces us back to our inner child - to the one who needs to know and experience love.
Love allows us glimpses into eternity, infinity because it takes us back to where we came from. Allows us to tap into the infinite power that is us - the infinite power of love. Without love, there could be no us.
My heart is aching for my family to all be in the same place again where we end each day by hugging each other and telling each other we love each other before going off into our dreamworlds. Where we wake in the morning from our seperate nightworlds to be rejoined as a family. But yet my heart is so full of joy because I know love, the comfort of love, the roller coaster of love through the love of my family. Allowing me to open my heart to those I encounter because I am secure in my love, the love in my life.
And what I also know is in order to love anyone, I had to learn to love me first. In order to give love, I had to know love for me first. And when I look into the eyes of those who know me on all levels - my husband, my son and my daughter - and see the love I have for them reflected back to me from their eyes, I am so grateful for love. So grateful for them. So grateful because through knowing love, I know I am alive and well.
Love is what keeps us, sustains us because it allows us to be who we are where we are with gratitude. There is no greater emotion, no greater feeling than the act and art of love.
So looking forward to being reunited with my family again but for now I hold in my aching heart the spiritual love I carry with me at all times - the love that asks no questions and makes no demands. The spiritual love that just is. Love - so glad I opened my vulnerable self to allow you in even when you cause me to ache because I know in order to ache I had to know you and receive you.
Love - there is no greater power. No greater pain than the power of love. Love. .Namaste

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