Wednesday 27 August 2014

It was three years ago that I gave birth to my voice

Today is a very special day for me. A day of pride and grace. A day of gratitude and love.  For it is on this day 3 years ago that I began writing this blog. My blog journalling my journey of love and light through this rich tapestry in the name of my life. It is this blog that gets me up in the morning now. That sets my tone for the day. My intention for the day.
When I first began writing my blog, I was terrified to associate myself with it because I was so worried about what people would think about what I write. So afraid to merge my personal life with my business life. So afraid to allow the writer woman within me and the business woman on the outside of me to be revealed as one in the same because I believed the two should remain separate in order for my writing to be authentic. Only to realise as I have grown with my blog, without bringing all of me in to my writing and being afraid to see where it goes, my writing can not be authentic.
So as time has gone by, I have slowly but surely grown more confident in my writing. More confident in what I have to say. More confident in using my life experiences as muses for my writing and in doing so I have grown. My writing has grown. And I am learning with each blog that I write that in order for my writing to flow I have to let go. I have to write what comes to me from that well of abundance that gives me the voice that I need when I sit down to write.
That by allowing my voice to flow unfiltered, I write something that is so beautiful and so natural that I surprise myself when I step away from it and reread it later. I am sometimes surprised that the words came from me. But the more I write, the more I realise, it is not just me writing, it is all of us writing. Because I am writing from that Universal place that we all share. That divine place we all come from. Each one of us has a story to tell. A life to live. A journey we are embarking on. And when we are truthful, honest, nonjudgmental and vulnerable, we realise that each of us is more similar than we are different at our core. Our choices and the way we choose to leave may be very different but at the core we all want the same thing, to  love and to be loved.
With each blog I write I realise more and more that life becomes much richer when I share my divine blessings. Because when I share them in the words of Oprah and Deepak Chopra, I open myself to Grace. And by opening myself to Grace, I allow a new reality to enter my very being. Because it is grace that allows me to rise even through my darkest days. It is Grace that holds my hand and my heart and allows the words to flow from that place of vulnerability and love deep deep down in my soul.
As I look outside on this special day for me, this day of celebration for me, the sun is bursting through in the East for the first time this week. Lighting up the morning with its radiant yellow light as if it is affirming my special day. Affirming me. Filling me with light and love because I have known and know Grace. Because I have allowed Grace to fill me so much that I want to share it with anyone who wishes to journey with me and grow with me each day as I write.
I can't believe three years have gone by since I sat down to write this blog. This blog that allowed me to tap into my Grace because it emerged during a time when I felt I had no voice. When I had been cast out into the world quite unexpectedly by a job that no longer wanted me. And it was sitting and writing this blog that allowed me to find my voice. To honour my vulnerability and not see it as an adversary but rather to see it as a necessary companion to allow me to see the good in all things and people. To celebrate the blessings that I have in my life even when I feel I don't. I am learning that blessings are always there. Always waiting for me when I recognise every breath I take comes from a state of Grace.
I am grateful to everyone who follows my blog, has followed my blog and will follow it to come because you have helped and continue to help to grow me as well. The comments that you make lift me sometimes more than you will ever know. And even when there are no comments, I know you are there with me in silence. Thank you everyone for journeying with me as I navigate through the light and dark, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad times because you are helping me as much as I am helping me and you "to learn from yesterday, live for today and to hope for tomorrow" as so wisely said by Albert Einstein.
Happy 3rd anniversary to my baby, my blog. No longer hiding behind an image, I now have a face to it - my face as I have embodied my whole being to write as authentically as I can. It was three years ago that I gave birth to my voice and I have watched it grow with amazement and abundance. And what I know for sure is there is no limit to where it can go unless I limit it myself.
Here's to wherever my blog is leading me with gratitude and grace, love and light....Namaste.

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