Saturday 16 August 2014

Hope lights the path

Finally I got to see my daughter yesterday after nearly three weeks and it was one of those moments that will remain with me for quite some time. It was a feeling I was not able to understand until this morning when I did a beautiful meditation with Deepak and Oprah. A liberating meditation all about hope.
Allowing me to understand it was hope that I see reflected in the eyes of children. Children not jaded by a past because they don't wallow in yesterday. They live fully in the present when they are allowed to. They also believe that everything is possible. The future is theirs for the making and taking until adults take that future hope from them by telling them what they can't do. By jading them with our lack of hope.
If we allowed our children to develop in the way they are meant to develop without poisoning their minds by placing limitations on what they naturally believe they are capable of achieving, how much more wonderful could their lives and our lives be?
When we influence our children to be what they are not, we take the hope away from them and instead fill them with an unnatural anxiety. A feeling of not belonging. A feeling where there is no hope for tomorrow because their present state is so not them.
Yesterday seeing all of those girls with stars in their eyes because they were in a place that nurtured their dreams and their hopes sent shivers down my spine. Seeing my daughter who seemed to have grown over the three weeks physically, mentally and spiritually standing tall and seemingly floating through the grounds of the camp with friends from everywhere shouting out her name, I knew I was witnessing hope at its best. Seeing my child blossom with such like minded and hopeful people around her, I felt even more blessed this morning when I was able to understand the feeling I felt when I saw them with the message of the meditation this morning. So inspiring. So winglike. So hopeful is hope.
The meditation opened with Oprah telling me, "Just like we look for love and desire peace. We all hope for the best. Your essential self emanates hope. Routed in the all powerful certainty of Source."
She quoted Elie Wiesel, "Just as a man cannot live without dreams. He cannot live without hope. If dreams reflect the past, Hope summons the future. Access that certainty and hope and the happiness that flows to you will be more powerful than you can imagine. It is a force that grounds us and lifts us up at the same time." It was that force of hope I saw and felt at the camp yesterday and it was infectious because I too felt hopeful and joyful just by being in the presence of hope.
Deepak Chopra took over from Oprah telling me, "Happy people are optimistic and hopeful. Hope is a positive force in their lives which is different from feeling anxious and hoping everything will turn out right. When your sense of hope flows from the Source, you know new possibilities will emerge and good outcomes are in sight." I know this to be true because I see it and feel it in children who have been allowed to be who they want to be. I see it and feel it in myself when I allow hope for the future rather than fear of the past to guide me. When I trust that inner voice that never leads me astray. When I don't allow ego to overshadow my inner compass.
Hope opens the path. It isn't passive- just waiting and praying things will change. When we are connected to our true self, we sense what we need to do next to improve any situation. It is that clarity that comes through the darkness, through the noise. It is the light that goes off in the dark and it is called hope. What a wonderful feeling when we get it, feel it. I saw it yesterday very clearly in the eyes of my daughter and her friends. And when I saw it, I felt it as it brought tears to my eyes. A feeling I did not quite understand until I did my powerful meditation this morning with Deepak and Oprah. Feeling hope.
Allowing me to tap into the advice they gave, "The more I nurture hope, the more optimistic I feel, And the more hopeful I am, the more I move naturally to take the opportunities that come my way. Different from feeling trapped and feeling there is no way out.
As Deepak says, "Hope is like a thread leading out of the maze. It doesn't get us out, but it is our connection to freedom. If we follow the thread we can make our way out and feel the joy of liberation. Be open to becoming more hopeful and letting hope be our guide. Having this intention is powerful and allows us to be hopeful. Hope prevents us from being influenced by negative thoughts that automatically come to mind for many people."
Hope is our path to freedom because hope is freedom. It is the belief that all things are possible through our intentions. It is the knowledge that only we can light our path by being hopeful. For when we keep makiing connections with our true self, we are also connecting to the source of hope. A source that replenishes itself over and over again because it is fuelled from the endless possibility available from the One Source.
Hope that beautiful light that shines through the eyes of undoctrinated children and is possible for us too when we connect back to our true selves. Hope is the light that lights my path. The lights your path. That lights our path. When you lose hope and want to restore it look for a child with the light in her eyes and immediately you will feel it again as I did yesterday with the eyes of my daughter and her new found friends. Hope is the light of my path. Hope is the path to freedom because it is freedom. Namaste

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