Wednesday 30 July 2014

Proud to be Bermudian

I had the pleasure and fortune of flying back to our beautiful home, Bermuda, yesterday. A day where the colors of the ocean were to die for. An artist's dream. A romantic's love. A writer's muse. Capturing my attention and pulling me in. Mesmerizing me. I could almost picture mythical sirens calling home sailors and those who dare to travel the ocean to bring them to the depths of their dark world. I envisioned schools of dolphins jumping out of the ocean. Scouring the vast ocean to see if they were there. Dreamed of the hidden world that lives beneath the ocean – mysterious and untouched by us for the most part.
I was taken aback by how the water was so dark and seemingly bottomless except for the water that surrounds us- surrounds Bermuda allowing us glimpses of the ocean floor. The blue like a jewel whose color is hard to explain. Indescribable almost because it hints of many blues – a kaleidoscope of blue hues. Blues unlike any blue anywhere else. All that came to mind was how magical our little island home is. How alluring our ocean can be.
How fortunate we are to call this place our home. And how it costs us nothing to be surrounded by so much beauty that I wonder how we can be in such turmoil and strife. How if we took the time out to look at where we live. Look at the ocean – the blues like nowhere else. The clarity of the water that surrounds us, we would see there is no sense in our bickering. Instead we would work together to restore faith in our well being. To remove the hatred and strife and instead we would remember to love and understand each other again because we appreciate the gift to reside on this glorious island unlike anywhere else.
As I was daydreaming and thinking about how grateful I am to live in Bermuda, I heard a tourist behind me say, “Wow look at that water. It is so clear. So beautiful. So blue.” I could almost feel the magic running through him as it was through me. I could feel the stress seeping out of his pores just by the wistful tone of his voice as it was pouring out of mine. I felt so proud to be Bermudian. So proud to call this magical place my home.
This place I sometimes take for granted. Its beauty often overlooked when I get caught up in my every day life that the sea and the beauty blends in with the everyday such that they almost disappear.
It is moments like yesterday that take my breath away. To remind me to be grateful for the everyday because it is the everyday that allows me to understand the good things in life truly are freely available to us all when we take the time to appreciate them. When we take the time to really see where we are and to envelop ourselves in the beauty that surrounds us everyday. To be fully present as I was in the azure seas of my Island home.  Proud to be Bermudian…

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