Thursday 24 July 2014

Never too late for an important date

Late. Late this morning. All that came to my mind is the March Hare from Alice in Wonderland with his huge clock running here and there saying,…”  late, late , I’m late for an important date. …” Making myself laugh how emotions can take us all over the place and back again. Far from where we are meant to be because we are so caught up in being where we think we ought to be rather than accepting where we are.
As my children are out of school; and are doing camps where the drop offs are much later than school drop offs, I have been allowing myself to sleep in a little later than normal and my body has become so adjusted to the additional sleep that my husband wakes up before me. He loves it by the way. Loves being the first one awake. So I have been relying on  him to wake me up if I go beyond my designated waking time but this morning he got caught up in doing what he was doing that he forgot all about me so I woke up late. Very late this morning.
Jumping out of bed like a crazy woman. Running here and there and everywhere. Trying to make up for time that can not be remade. Angry at first with my husband for not waking me up but then realized I had no right to be angry with him because I am the one who is responsible for what happens in my life so I quickly swallowed that anger. Only for that anger to turn into panic as I thought about all the things I had to do in a short time frame. Thoughts rushing around in my brain. Incoherent panicked thoughts. Panic often obscures us from doing what we need to do because we become so obsessed with panicking that we can’t do anything else.
I panicked about what I would write about this morning - so at first, nothing would come because I was trying too hard to think rather than letting my thoughts flow. And my method of writing is always the first sentence that comes to mind over and over again and then I allow my thoughts to flow from there. But this morning there were so many thoughts, incoherent thought in my crazed pace that I could not hear one. Then on top of it all,  I also broke my routine this morning because normally I wake, meditate then allow the first sentence that comes to mind either during my meditation or immediately after it to become my muse.
But this morning because I was so late, my husband started talking to me breaking my mojo. My son was awake looking for clothes to wear so I immediately left what I was doing to help him. Then I read emails bringing in the outside world first before I had the opportunity to be in touch with me. To listen to me unobstructed. So in the midst of it all, the chaos I allowed in before I was ready for it, I told my husband to stop talking to me as I needed to meditate. I needed to start the day over again. Needed to forget about being late. Forget about being the March Hare in Alice in Wonderland and just begin again.
So without worrying about who I was ignoring, I put on my headphones. Found some beautiful music, closed my eyes and began again. Meditating and immediately feeling all the stress and panic seeping out of my pores. Allowing my whole being to relax.  And it was in that meditation and right after that I realized my message had been coming to me all alone. In order for me to do anything, to be anything, I have to not panic. Just go with the flow. Not rush around believing I am too late because if I put my mind to it, I am never too late for what is meant for me. Maybe too late for something that was never meant to be but never for what is meant to be. That sometimes I just have to shut out all the distractions, be brave enough to tell those who do not need to be in my space to leave. And then I have to close my eyes, find beautiful music and allow myself to hear what I am meant to hear as I did this morning. And without panicking, without forcing, I have written this blog in less than 15 minutes because it was meant to be written. Without panic, without distraction, without force because I allowed myself to be in the present. In the now. In the flow.
Everything happens for a reason. Even when we think it doesn't or can’t understand why. Everything does. Have a great day everyone and remember what is meant to be will be for us and where we are meant to be is where we are. And contrary to the March Hare’s thinking, we are never too late for an important date. If it is that important, we always get there when we are meant to. Namaste.

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