Tuesday 15 July 2014

Our true self always come to the surface

At the end of the day, our true self always comes to the surface. There is no hiding who we are. No concealing who we truly are for too long. We may be able to portray an image and keep up our superficial selves for a while but sooner or later the façade begins to crack and our essence self seeps through. Sometimes slowly. Other times so forcefully, we are knocked for a loop because we refused to heed the signs. Refused to allow ourselves to learn.  Refused to listen to our core.
 It is exhausting to be someone we are not for us and for those who cross our paths because we and they never know which one of us will show up until the true self comes and stays. And when the true self finally gets to the surface, there is no pushing it back down because it has been suppressed for too long.  And does not trust us anymore to allow it to be. To allow us to be. Our essence self.
That is why we need to show up as we truly are in order to grow.  In order to learn the lessons we asked to come here to learn. In order to be the light we are meant to be and to shine that light on ourselves and in doing so on others.
We need to take the time to be silent. To be in silence so we can hear our inner most selves telling us what it is we desire. So we can hear the hurt voice from deep down inside asking us to deal with situations we have tried to pretend do not exist. So we can heal ourselves and then be able to be compassionate to others who may not be strong enough to hear who they are and listen to what they need to do in order to become whole.
Showing up as our authentic selves requires us to be brave. To be able to withstand the ridicule and noise that may crowd out our voices but it is worth doing so. If we never give ourselves the time to listen, we will never grow into who we came here to be. We will always be ego driven rather than essence driven. Pride over virtue.
When we refuse to listen, we will find we keep facing the same obstacles that hold us back from who we are. These obstacles will appear in different guises but when we take the time to be silent, we discover the obstacles are the same. The challenges are the same.  The lesson is the same. The message is the same. The truth is the same.
Taking the time to be in silence with ourselves allows us the capacity to forgive ourselves and others. To let go of situations that no longer work for us with love and light and not vengeance. To be compassionate and understanding rather than judgmental and critical.
Remembering always as Deepak Chopra says, “The ego is not who you really are. The ego is your self –image; it is your social image; the role you are playing.” And eventually that social mask must come off, the role we are playing comes to an end and our social image cannot withstand who we are. The ego will be bruised in order to make way for who we really are.

Because at the end of the day, there is no hiding from who we truly are because we are who we are and eventually our truth will find its way to the surface. The question then becomes, can we handle us as we are when we come out? Are we ready when our truth is revealed if we are not living as our authentic selves?

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