Tuesday 15 April 2014

Feeling the blood moon of 2014

There is a natural beauty to this world we live in. A natural rhythm to this life we live. A natural harmony that flows throughout our land. And that naturalness comes from a place of deep contentment and surrender. A place where happiness dwells all the time. Without interruption. Without worry or expectation. But we have to allow ourselves to stop and see and feel the natural beauty that is us. Within us. Shared by us because we all emanate from the naturalness of this world we live in. Its beauty created by our mind’s eye and our heart beat.
This morning I woke up to the vibrating sound of my alarm. Trying to find it as it vibrated louder. Pulling me out of a deep but restless sleep, I realized it was 3 am. The time I had set my alarm for so I could see the eclipse of the moon.  To feel the hues of the moon radiating through my being. To feel its light. I jumped out of bed rushed to the bathroom window feeling ecstatic about seeing the first lunar eclipse of 2014. But all I saw were clouds. Clouds racing past the moon. Hiding it from me. Its image only partially caught between the passing clouds.
I went back to bed. Disappointed. But willing myself to get up at 3.30 to see if the moon was clear of the clouds. 3.33 came and again I jumped out of bed hoping this was my chance to catch a glimpse of the eclipse. Only to be disappointed again. Clouds thicker this time completely obscuring the moon. Its light still coming through them but its image completely hidden.
I went back to bed with the intention of waking at 4 am to see if I could see the moon. Only to awake at 4.33 and the moon was so high at this point that it had gone beyond the roof of my home, beyond the top of my Poinciana tree so it was impossible to see the moon.
Frustrated I went back to bed again and got up at 5.30. Half hour later than normal because I allowed myself to rest. I got out of bed and opened the front door hoping to catch a glimpse of this monumental and mind altering moon, only for the motion lights to come on. Lighting up the porch and everything around me. Once again obscuring the magical moon. I laughed this time as I thought about how I had been trying for the past 2 and a half hours to see the moon. Chasing an elusive moon that was not meant for me to see.
But meant for me to feel. Meant for me to imagine and to be a part of the natural beauty of the world we live in. To understand that sometimes we may not be able to see what is occurring naturally in our world but to feel it instead. To know that even though we can’t see the magic, it is still unfolding.  Even though clouds may obscure our vision from time to time, the beauty is still present just not for us to see.
Though I was disappointed I did not get to see the eclipse of the moon, I am so grateful to have felt its presence. To have risen to try to catch it in plain sight. Despite its full physical image not being available for me to see, I felt its mythical and magical presence deep in my soul. Deep in my heart. Allowing me to be accepting of the natural beauty that unfolds each and every day before us because it is within us. Accessible at all times.
I inhaled deeply then and felt blessed to be aware of the eclipse of the moon and to honour its presence and its meaning with reverence and gratitude. Its physical presence obscured by the dancing and racing clouds but its ethereal presence was beautiful in its own right. A vision of my inner world. Magical, Majestic and Mythical without even being seen. But its blood red presence felt on a much deeper and spiritual level from a sacred space. What a treat. Namaste

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