Wednesday 2 April 2014

Do you believe in magic? Miracles?

Sometimes we look in the least likely places
At the least likely people
For magic
For miracles
We think magic is something that is make believe
That it does not exist
We think magic equates to black magic
Hocus Pocus
We believe miracles are reserved for the great master
Never for us
Yet if we really stop and think about us
About everything around us
About our very existence
About the very existence of everything
About the world we live in
What we are and where we could we have come from
Not just from our mother’s bellies
But where were we before our mothers
And where do we go at the end of our physical existence
Doesn’t that make you believe in the miracle of us
The wonder of us
The magic of us
Isn’t our very existence by nature
A miracle
Magic in itself
Does anyone have an explanation about which came first
The chicken or the egg
Or the egg or the chicken
Because one could not exist without the other
We are magical miraculous beings
That come and go in this plane
Morphing from one thing to the next
Have you ever been injured such that you could not use an arm or a leg
And then were forced to think about how we use our limbs every day anyway
Is there a giant computer sitting out there somewhere that is controlling us all
Could we all be subject to cyber threat, hackers and those who want to run the world
Is it possible that with a push of a button
We will be shut down one day
We are such amazing living, breathing, creatures
Born from the mingling of an egg and sperm
Grown inside a protective womb of our mother’s bodies
Birthed from either a canal or brought out by knife
Creating our physical existence for a predetermined amount of time
But where do our souls come from
And for that matter what are our souls
Do they die or do they remain
Do our souls continue even when our physical bodies wither and die away
Do our essence selves remain but without the memory of what we were before
Magic is what we are
Miracles are what we are
So how can we ever dismiss magic
Believing it belongs solely to the dark side
When in fact we are magical beings
We embody the concept of magic
So how can we dismiss miracles
And believe only a select few are bestowed miracles
When we go to bed every night and drift off into another land
Then take a waking breath to wake us up in the morning
Pulling us out of bed
Ready to start anew
If ever we did not believe in magic or miracles
All we have to do is look at ourselves in the mirror
Marvelling at the image that is us
Listen to our minds
Watch what we can do and say in a day
If we are looking for a miracle
All we need do is look at a rose blooming
Smell its intoxicating scent
Watch it blow in the wind and yet remain unaffected by it
Watch a bluebird, a red bird, any birds flying before our eyes
Catch a glimpse of a rainbow and if we are lucky a double rainbow in the sky
And know for the first time that there is no need to doubt magic
No need to dismiss miracles
Because we are living and breathing magical miracles every single day of our lives
Witnessing every day miracles in the magic of a new day
So now do you believe in magic and miracles
 I do because I am magic and I am a miracle
And so are you
So are we all
Have a magical miraculous day
Accepting we are magical miraculous creatures
Living in a magical miraculous world
Surrounded by magical miracles
Every single second
Of every single day


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