Wednesday 10 July 2013

Writing my way to myself

Some mornings when I wake up, I have so many thoughts rushing through my head that I don’t know where to start. So many obligations that I feel overwhelmed. So many people wanting something from me or wanting to be in my space that I don’t know where to turn.
Some mornings, as in this morning,  I feel like I am being pulled in so many different directions that I feel the need to just stop. To stand still. To breathe. To not think. To just be. So this morning I took my time. Forgetting about the deadlines. The demands. The requests. And sat at my computer and let the words from inside come outside so I could understand what I am meant to be dong. So I could allow the Infinite Source inside me come to the forefront and direct me.
Just let the words flow I was told. Just let it go I heard. Just do it I could feel. Don’t worry too much about what comes next. Just do what feels right to you. Don’t worry if you can’t meet every obligation. Every deadline. The ones you do met are the ones meant for you and the ones you don’t are not meant for you at this time.
Take your time and do the best you can with what you have. Life is very short. Particularly in the human form. So try to take some time to enjoy the simplicities of life. The things that happen every day and go unnoticed. The sun rising in the morning. The bluebird singing its song because it has a beautiful song. Darkness turning to light.
Don’t worry about people who will try to make you feel bad or try to take your light away from you. They are really hurting themselves and need to hurt others because they think it will make them more superior. When superiority really does not exist for any long period. Because each person has her day in the sun. Each one gets to experience being the superior and the inferior until they realize life is really a balance. An equalizer. One day one is on top. The next on the bottom. Yin and Yang. Up and Down.
Remember always that you can’t be everything to everyone. You have to be everything to yourself before you can be anything to anyone else. Remember it is your life to live and you have to live it from your gut. From your base instincts. Only then will you feel content in who you are. To say no when you need to. Yes when it feels right not because you feel obligated to do so.  Allowing you to live an authentic life. Not a contrived one.
And then I exhaled after letting the words of my inside come to the outside because I knew I was being sent a message. The message to live my life for me so I can be the best person I am meant to be.  Authentically me. Contributing to my family and community in the best way I can. The most effective way I can.
I let the words sink in. Sitting in silence for quite some time. Just observing.  Until I felt the tension oozing out of me. The confusion easing away. The feeling of being overwhelmed replaced with the feeling of it is what it is and I can only do as much as I am meant to.
And then I looked up and out and saw the morning light had come through replacing the dawn light. Everything was clearly visible. No longer obscured by the dark anymore. Showing me that when I am ready the light is always there to guide me. Always ready to help me to live as authentic a life as I am meant to.
And then I was led to my inspiration of the day which stated, "The very act of writing releases unbalanced energies and lets them flow out of our bodies, where they blossom into fireflies as they hit the atmosphere." A tingling sensation flowing through my whole being with the knowledge the Universe was answering me by letting me see this passage. Letting me know I got it and I am blessed to use writing as an outlet. As a means to finding my balance and giving myself wings. because I am able to write my way to my self. And for this gift and this message I am truly grateful. Namaste.


  1. " You have to be everything to yourself before you can be anything to anyone else." I love this. You really are an amazing writer and I look forward to reading your posts as they are always so timely, on point and relevant. Thanks so much for sharing your talent. Light and love. Namasté.

  2. So do I Sharilynn and I have to remind myself of it when I find I am trying to be everything to everyone else and not being everything to me. When I was growing up I was told it was selfish to take care of self but as I am aging I realise if I neglect me, I neglect everything.
