Thursday 25 July 2013

Veered paths are what we need

Sometimes when we are heading down a path we so believe is right for us and the Universe veers us off on another path or shuts the door in our faces, I am learning to be grateful that it did. Even if we don’t understand the why at the time. Eventually the truth will be revealed. Eventually we will find out why life led us someplace else even if it is not where we thought we would be. Want to be.
When the Universe slams doors in our face it’s because we are not listening so we have to have the doors slammed in our faces in order to understand that doorway was never meant for us.
A while back I was feeling a bit rejected by life. A bit rejected by what I thought I was meant to be doing. Feeling like everyone else was getting a better break than I was. Watched people get things I thought I was deserving off and now I am seeing these people crumbing all round me because they pushed through doors they were never supposed to push through. They didn’t heed the warning signs and instead barreled through until they got what they wanted. Got what they thought they deserved at the expense of others including themselves.
I am learning that whenever I get the feeling that something is not right. Whenever my sixth sense kicks in. My intuition prickles my spine that I need to listen. Take heed. Be prepared to adjust my path until those feelings of foreboding go away. I am learning not to second guess when the Universe is prodding me to go another way. To listen. To stop. To adjust. So that I don’t end up with a lesson so harsh and abrupt I feel like I am crumbling.
And what I am learning most of all is that my life is mine and I alone have to live it. Veered paths and all. With gratitude for this truly humbling lesson that life always takes us where we are meant to learn the lessons we were sent here to learn. Always. And what I know for sure is it is up to us to determine how harsh that lesson will be by the paths we take.
I have learned not to compare myself with anyone else. As I know no one lives a perfect life and no one has an easier road than others unless we are fighting against the path we asked to come here to explore.  Giving me the strength to accept those veered paths and to have the patience to see why I am where I am because eventually the truth is always revealed. And the fog gives way to the light. Namaste

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