Friday 26 July 2013

The joy of gadgets

Gadgets. So many new gadgets out now that it is hard to keep up. I just purchased myself the Samsung tablet because I am trying to minimise the weight of stuff I have to carry when travelling. Also I want to be portable and to be able to write from anywhere at any time. Particularly now that I have Mysty in my life I seem to be spending more time outside enjoying nature and her. And sometimes I feel inspired to write just being in her presence and in the presence of all that is and ever will be, in the arms of nature. Reminding me that we are only a part of a much larger whole.
The problem I am finding with gadgets is I need to have the mind of a teenager or at least one that has grown up with gadgets attached to their hip. The mind of those who are not intimidated with pressing buttons on these gadgets and seeing where they take me. Not being afraid to experiment as these gadgets require us to be. Not being nervous about thinking outside the box as these new gadgets demand.
So I am grateful that I have two young people in my home who think nothing of technology. Who are not intimidated by the rapid advances technology is making. And actually they embrace it. Excited by how quickly technology is evolving so they can get to the next phase of what they are looking for that much quicker. I envy their lack of fear when it comes to technology.
And I am learning to be like them. To not be afraid that if I touch something that my system will come crashing down. To not fear the gadgets because they are new. To be grateful that technology has leaped ahead so much that I am not trying to program my system to do the simplest tasks as I had to do in the 80s with FORTRAN and Cobol.
So I am learning to step back from my fears and just apply common sense as my children do and think logically about how these gadgets work. And if logic doesn’t help me, challenge myself to think outside the box so I don’t hear my children laughing at me because I am not tech savvy. And in doing so I am learning that life is changing around me constantly and if I want to keep up with it and keep moving on, I have to allow myself outside of my comfort zone from time to time. Allow myself to taste the fear of the unknown but still keep ploughing through. And if I do, just like I am learning to master this new gadget, I too will learn the lessons I was sent here to learn.
And for my children helping to navigate me through the tech world of darkness and allowing me to embrace the new, I am truly grateful. And I actually like this new gadget too. 

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