Tuesday 2 July 2013

Time is a funny thing

Time is a funny thing. It marches on at its own pace. Its own beat. It speeds up for no one. Slows down for no one. It just is what it is. Time ticking on. Effortlessly.
Yet when we wait for it or on it, it seems to take forever. The seconds feeling like hours. Minutes like days. Hours like years. Forcing us to become frustrated. Irritated. Impatient. Trying to adjust that which we cannot. Because time just is. Not meant to be hurried nor slowed. Just ticking on at its own pace. It is what it is.
Last night I flew from Bermuda to London and managed to sleep for a good 4 hours or so and then I was awake. Restless.Waiting for time. Drifting in and out of sleep. Checking my watch each time I woke up to see how much time had passed. Frustrated when only 5 minutes had gone by when I felt like it had been hours. Until I accepted time was not going to be hurried by me. So I decided not to keep watching the time but to just accept being on an airplane is beyond my control as to how time goes by.
And what was even stranger was when I lifted up the window shade to look outside there was this star that seemed to follow us. Making it appear as if we were stationary rather than moving. The scenery not changing outside. So it seemed. Making time feel even more so like it was standing still. Making me feel like my journey across the Atlantic was taking longer than normal.
In exasperation, I decided to give in to time. To not try to control it but to use it. So I got up and got down my lap top to write about time and how it is skewed by our perception of it. How when we let life happen, time operates in its own time. When we let go and go with the flow, time is as it should be. Neither rushed nor slowed. Its pace just what we need to get through. It just is.
But when we try to adjust time, rush it or slow it down, it always does the opposite. Letting us know it is something we cannot control. That all we can control is our expectations and perceptions of it.
Just like I know the airplane was moving through the sky but because of the star that seemed to follow us, my mind believed we were not moving and that time was standing still. When in fact we were moving and so was time. And even we choose not to keep pace, time will continue to move on. So I decided to use my time wisely. To write. To go with it and before I knew it,time sped up.
Allowing me to accept time is a funny thing. Not something we can control. Not something we can place expectations on. It just is and the more we learn to use it wisely without trying to force it, the better our use of it will be. Time is always on our side when we accept it is what it is. Time. Definitely marches to its own beat. With or without us.
And it doesn't stop until we stop but then it is just for us because it still continues for those who remain. Time makes its own time in its own way every single second of every single day.

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