Monday 25 February 2013

Writing is like a parody of life

I am finding this morning that life is very much like writing. When you try to force an outcome that is not meant to be or direct your thoughts in a way that is not meant to be, all you get is gibberish and falseness. And that’s what my writing did to me this morning. I was trying too hard to be too profound. Trying too hard to teach a lesson rather than be the lesson. Trying too hard to teach a lesson rather than experiencing life.
Writing like life can’t be false and can’t be done to other’s expectations. It has to be done from a place deep down in my soul. A place I have no control over. A place where ego is not allowed to enter. The only thing there is my soul. As Panache Desai said yesterday on Super Soul Sunday, the place where my Soul Signature resides. The place where my soul and love and inner essence reside. The place where my inner eye and inner ear are allowed to be without contradiction. Without expectation. Or without the judgment of others.
So this morning I decided to stop trying. To take the time to listen to my inner guide asking me to stop and listen to it. To stop trying to be someone I am not. To stop trying to appease my ego or anyone else that may have expectations of me. And instead to experience the mixed up feelings I am experiencing. The pain I am feeling. The fear I am feeling. The love I am feeling. Accepting everything I am feeling so those feelings can be my experience of life to enable me to see what it is that I want out of life and what I do not.
To not try to suppress them, or ignore them or pretend they do not exist because feelings are as real as we are and when we try to hide them, we fuel them, giving them the power to become bigger than what we ever imagined. Allowing them to grow into beasts that overpower us and cause us to do things we do not want to do. Like lash out at others and accuse them of being something they are not because we are projecting our feelings of insecurity onto them. Trying to control them into being what we expect them to be rather than accepting them for who they are.
So there I let my inner voice guide me to what I was meant to write. To where I was supposed to be this morning rather than dictating to it. Rather than trying to be something I am not and what happened is I wrote from my soul. From my spirit. And it flowed so nicely without stops and starts. Without doubt. Without fear. Without ego. Because writing is just like life, it can’t be forced and it can’t be what is not meant to be.
Happy Sunny Monday morning everyone. A new week. A new beginning. A new start to this present moment in our lives. As long as remember we can only be in this present moment. Not in the past and not in the future. Namaste. 

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