Wednesday 20 February 2013

Surrendering to the pain of letting go

There comes a time in our lives when we have to say goodbye to all those people and things that no longer serve us. When they no longer add to our abundance and we have known it for a while but we were hanging on. Trying to preserve what was rather than accepting what is. Draining us of our positive energy.
There comes a time when we know we have to shift our focus and attention to the things we are blessed with and grateful for rather than on the things and events that drag us down. Pull us into the darkness. Fill us with negative energy.
Letting go with love and empathy is often very difficult to do because it means severing ties with people or things that used to mean the world to us. Used to be a major part of our lives. We have to let the feelings of what was, go. Enabling us to accept people and things change. Just as we do. Giving us the strength to let them go when we recognize they no  longer work with the rhythm of our lives. Surrender them back to the Universe. Not with malice in our hearts. Not with hate. But with the reality that our paths are no longer meant to intersect.
And when we let them go, we do so with gratitude for the time they were in our lives. Thankful to them for the lesson of learning that sometimes we have to let go in order to be love. Accepting we still love them and are willing to let them to go so they can be who they need to be. And we can become who we are meant to be.
We let them go with love because we never know if our paths are meant to intersect again and if they are, we want to be able to welcome them back. So in order to let them go with love, we must be willing  to forgive ourselves first for the feelings we felt when we had to part. And we must be willing to forgive them for the way we perceive they made us feel. This stage of the ending can be tough and take a while but if we practice gratitude every day, we will be able to eventually forgive. Accepting life ebbs and flows.
Accepting life is constantly changing, as are we. So we cannot expect people to be the same all the time. And when we recognize we can’t change them but only the way we react to them, then we become stronger. More caring and more compassionate because we are in a position to allow them to leave our lives with forgiveness and love. Wishing them well on the rest of their journey.  While we begin our walk on our journey with them no longer in our lives.
We experience the pain of the parting. Allow the tears of sorrow to fall because when someone or something leaves our lives, we have to allow ourselves the time to grieve, to let go, to adjust our lives to them no longer being in it. And once we have gone through our period of adjustment, we say a silent prayer for our departed ones to be well in the rest of their lives. Not with malice. Not with anger or resentment.  Only then are we able to learn the meaning of pure love, pure forgiveness and pure faith.
Allowing us to surrender and open ourselves to the possibility that now exists because we have made space in our hearts for more love and new love to flow in. Sometimes the pain of an ending is what we need in order to open ourselves to the new. To things and people we may not have invited in before. Everything in life happens for a reason. Sometimes we don’t understand the why right away but we always attract into our lives that which we think about. And when we shift our way of thinking, that’s when we experience endings and beginnings moving us according to where we need to go with gratitude and love. Compassion and forgiveness.

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