Wednesday 27 February 2013

A lesson from the Aztecs

I am receiving messages from the Universe. I am receiving message from people. From circumstances. That I have a gift I am not using. And that gift is my gift of feeling and understanding energy.  Not just my own but the energy of people that come into my space. I always know the answer whenever I am confronted with a question. I always know the essence of the person who enters my space. But because of my human conditioning of using my head instead of my heart, I often dismiss the gut reaction I get. The initial feeling. My heart center speaking to me. My inner voice.
So the Universe is taking matters into its own hands because I am not accepting of my worthiness and gifts and treasures by showing me the hard way not to overturn the initial feelings I feel when I am in the presence of others.  I am being shown the hard way because I am not listening to my inner voice. Not listening to the silence. Not listening to the beat of my heart. The change in my heart. The message of my heart enough. So the lessons, the experiences I am receiving are becoming tougher and tougher. Touching at my heart. Forcing me to experience pain and surprise and disappointment. Rather than accepting what I already know.
And I got the message from my son and daughter the other day when we were discussing the Aztecs. When my son said, “You know mommy, the Aztec believed the heart controlled us.” I was driving at the time and I remember the feeling that rushed through my body when he spoke. Almost as if I was being awakened from the darkness.  My whole being began to tingle when he spoke those words. Because I knew those words. I knew the meaning of what he was telling me on a much deeper level.
I told my son that the Aztecs were not wrong. That we are in fact ruled by our heart. Our heart center is the place that drives all of our emotions. The place that beats too quickly when we are excited, scared, challenged. The place that always know when a situation is good for us or bad for us. Our heart regulates us to do what we are meant to do. Our heart is where our pure existence resides.  Our pure Bliss. Our pure consciousness. Our heart center is where our essence self resides. It is here that the base of who we are resides. Because it is from our heart centers that we learn pure and unconditional love. The love of self first before we can love any other.
If we do not and cannot love self then we will not and  cannot love another deeply or unconditionally. And if we do not and cannot love ourselves, we will try our best to destroy the love we see in others because then it would explain why we feel the way we do.
Despite receiving this message, I let it go until I was talking to my Spiritual Mother yesterday about certain developments in my life. And the conversation I had with my children came back to me asking me to repeat the story to her. To bring the story of the Aztecs back to the forefront to remind me my heart center is where the answers lie. Because it is my heart center that always knows. To not think too much about why I am where I am but to accept I am where I am because I have chosen to be here. To remind me to listen to the beat of my heart, the feelings I get whenever I am in the presence of someone or something that challenges me because I have the gift of reading energies. Accepting I am worthy of this gift. The gift of the beat of my heart. The gift of listening to my inner voice and to read the energies of those who enter my space. Namaste.

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