Thursday 28 February 2013

At our deepest level, we are energy @Panache Desai

Watching Super Soul Sunday with Panache Desai and Oprah Winfrey on Sunday was another gift from the Universe. Panache Desai said, “At our deepest level, we are energy....Energy is the invisible tapestry that animates life”.  How beautiful and powerful are these statements. Think about them. Energy is what dictates how we feel, our expression and who we are and it is apparent in all creations. It is the invisible thread that weaves and holds us all together. 
We connect to other peoples’ energy. Desai says when we look at still water, we see it mirrors back everything around it perfectly.  Still water cannot mirror back what is not there. Therefore allowing us to understand why we react the way we do to others and others to us because we are mirroring back what we see and feel from their energy.
We are so busy trying to be everything to others that we have judged ourselves out of our own magnificence says Desai. We have brought into everyone else’s judgment of us, of the world that we have forgotten our feelings matter as well. Consequently we have moved so far away from center.
Yet we are not lost. We are always found when we remember to tap back into the energy force. And most of all we have to be responsible for the energy we bring into the room. To have the awareness we are energy. Born of energy. To understand just how important it is to understand the power of our own energy. The power it has to shift situations from good to bad or bad to good. Because we are responsible for the energy we bring into the room.
Desai says humans are the only species that goes into therapy. Because we are the only species that dwells in a place we can never be again, the past or a place we can never be, the future. We are only here in this present moment. And it is here that we must learn to dwell. Shedding our attachments to whatever happened in the past. Letting go of our expectations of what is to come in the future. And instead living this present moment we are in because this is all we have got. All we will ever have. Therefore we need to bring our best energy into the moment we are in.
We must release our attachment to ego and take back our magnificence by not empowering everyone else over ourselves. We have unlimited potential even in our darkest hour. When we mess up it is a call to bring us into something greater. An opportunity for us to reconnect with and to what is important. Life is trying to speak to us every second, every minute, every hour of every single day. Life tries to tell us, show us, make us aware that everything that happens, happens because it is meant to help us grow.
Challenging us to ask ourselves where is it that the Divine is not. The Divine infuses everything, nature, our enemies, our emotions, our fears, our ego, life itself. Therefore we have to make life our practice and accept every circumstance, every person, everything as the doorway to the Divine. As a present from the Universe to help us grow. Letting go. Surrendering. Checking our energy at the door before we enter any room because we are responsible for the energy we bring. 
Energy is the life force that connects us all together sending ripple effects throughout our Universe by every action we take. Which effect do you want to be responsible for bringing with the energy you are projecting? Remembering always "at our deepest level, we are energy." Woven together by its powerful and invisible thread. Namaste.

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