Tuesday 12 February 2013

Frustration the pathway to Satisfaction

I am being tested at the moment.Tested to see what I really want out of life. To see how much I want to write this blog. I woke up this morning full of promise and possibility. Very different from the way I woke up yesterday morning. I felt well rested. Did a wonderful present moment meditation. And then I sat down and wrote my blog only to discover I haveno Internet connection.
I felt like I could not breathe! Panic set in as I realised I was not going to be able to post. Frustration set in because I felt my morning ritual had been sabotaged by a crashed Internet system. Frustration mounting by the minute.
Until I decided where there is a will, there is a way. Sometimes when life tests us and takes us down a path we did not anticipate, as long as we accept we are being given a choicepoint about what happens next, we can get through anything. So this morning my choicepoint was to either give in to the frustration or find another way to blog. So here I am typing on my tiny keyboard on my Samsung Chat completing my morning ritual in the best way I can. Completing what I set out to do in a completely different way to the one I had anticipated. Feeling great satisfaction with my choice.
Fully comprehending my message from the Universe. Frustration comes when we refuse to compromise. Refuse to see another way. Satisfaction comes from accepting where we are and going for it no matter the obstacle. As a matter of fact the greater the frustration, the more satisfaction we feel when we find a solution.
Here's to finding solutions. Making choices in the face of our greatest adversity.


  1. Beautiful outlook -- each day we are tested in one way or another. Sometimes they are overwhelming and others just a hiccup. It is how we decide to face these challenges that makes all the difference in the world.

  2. Thank you Julie, that is why you call yourself Living the Dream. when we face our challenges rather than letting them control us, we can move mountains. Namaste
