Wednesday 13 February 2013

Energy is light

In its purest form, energy is light. In our purest form, we are of the light. In our purest state, we know we are a collective conscious. Knowing each action has a ripple effect throughout our cosmos. Spiraling back to the atoms that make us all. Reconnecting us back to the beginning and the ending where we understand we are infinite beings existing in an infinite space.
But for some reason we are training our mind, body and breath to believe the collective consciousness does not exist. Cannot exist. Because we can’t prove it. We think we are beyond the One Source. Not bound by the atoms or the spiral of our Universe. So we act as individuals without thought of what our individual actions will do to our collective consciousness. We do not believe or accept we are of one body, one mind and one breath. A collective and Universal one. We reject that thought.
And in doing so, we are creating the destruction and turmoil in our world. Each one of us contributes to the state of the world by the thoughts we put out there. By the actions we take. By simply thinking about the negative. It is now believed that thoughts are things. They are just as important as the actions we take because our thoughts are what connect us to the One Source. As they are of the energy which is in turn the light.
And that is why the saying, “Be the change you want to see” is so important. Each one of us has a desire for a better place in this world. For a world of peace. Harmony and respect. For a place where each one of us is a contributor rather than a taker. And the only way we can do this is be conscious of every thought. Every action we take.
We each have mind, body and breath. Each one of us if we took care of our mind so that we were projecting positive energy into the world or being consciousness of when our energy is negative to shift it to be positive. We would experience a shift in the way we think. We would have faith. And trust in the Universe.
 Each one of us has a body that can be healthy and radiating positive energy if we take care of it. Appreciate it. Fill it with the love and care we would like to receive. In doing so, we would find we attract the love and care we need and want.
And then the breath, if we would be conscious of each breath we take. Grateful for each one because it is our living force. That which keeps us alive in this world. Yet it is the most overlooked. The most unappreciated of all we have. Without breath, we would not be here.
Shifting our consciousness is a choice we all can make to make this world a better place. And it does not have to be rocket science or something grand. A simple shift in the mind, the body and the breath will shift the way in which we think, live and exist because in its purest form, energy is light and in our purest form, we are of the light. Collective consciousness connected by all that is, all that was and all that will ever be. Amen.

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