Wednesday 4 April 2012

What story are you telling? Tony Robbins

Continuing on from my blog yesterday and my high from the Oprah Life class in NYC night before last, I arrived back in Vermont with my family exhausted from my experience. Exhausted by all the information I processed and how much more growth I have ahead of me. Realising that life is constantly challenging us to be the best we can be. Remembering that if I wasn't challenged I would not be growing.
So back to my lessons and experiences. Carrying on from Iylana Vanzant setting the story the week before in the Oprah lifeclass, Oprah and Tony challenged the audience to ask ourselves, "What is the story we're telling ourselves? Is that story holding us back?"
Tony Robbins commanding the stage again by reminding us that it is human nature to find a way out. We often find people to support the story we are telling ourselves. Feeling affirmed because they agree with where we are. When in fact what we need is to find someone that challenges us to be our best by forcing us to stop telling our old stories. A hard pill to swallow but true. When we find ourselves wallowing in our sorrows and surrounding ourselves with people that affirm us, we stay exactly in that place. Moving out of that space is hard particularly if we are challenged by others to change our story.
Tony gave us invaluable hints as to how we can succeed in any level. He says all we are  the following 3 things:
1. Strategy - how do we make the shift? Develop a strategy to find a way to shift.
2. Have the right story - if our story is a lousy story then we will never find the solution so we need the right story
3. Quality state of mind - we need to be in a quality state of mind. Comfort often leads to pestilence. In order to change our state, we have to change our motion. Get moving. Tony telling us that merely changing our state without changing our story does nothing for us. Instead it sets us back to the place where we started.
In order to tap into this story changing mode we have to first acknowledge the following needs identified by Tony as follows:
1. To feel significant - we want to feel significant
2. Certainty - missing certainty
3. Need variety - if you feel stale, stagnant, move, change it
4. Love/connection - we all need to feel loved and connected
5. Growth - we have to grow to experience
6. Contribution - we must feel like we are contributors of society
Accepting these characteristics - inate in all of us. Using them to help us change our story is paramont for our growth. Thank you Tony and Oprah for reminding me how to tap into my inner well to change that old story I have been carrying with me based on my fear of the unknown. Here's to changing my story and hopefully you will too.

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