Tuesday 10 April 2012

In the right place at the right time

I saw the most beautiful photograph yesterday. And for some reason I could not stop thinking about it.  I could not get it out of my head.  It was like a message was being sent to me that I needed but I could not comprehend what it was.
I sent a message to the person who took the photo telling him how awesome I thought it was. To which he responded he was out walking and the timing was perfect to capture the photo.
And then I knew exactly what message was being sent to me. Life is about being in the right place at the right time. And that does not mean we have to go out trying to find the perfect moment. Or even the right time. It means we have to be present in all surroundings, all situations, and everywhere we are at all times because every situation presents us with an opportunity.
Sometimes the opportunity comes simply disguised in an innocent walk in the morning. Sometimes it comes during tumultuous times. Opportunity often comes when we least expect it because that’s when it is the purest.
It is often in our silence. In our acceptance of where we are. In our place of gratitude. Solitude and Peace that the clearest answers come. It is not in the expected, forced or plotted.
This photograph of the cruise ship in the middle of the rock is a perfect example of being ready when we least expect opportunity. Being open to the Universe to the abundance, gifts and treasures it offers us every single day. My friend didn’t know that by posting his photo that he became my angel for the day. Shining his light on me by helping me to remember that life is all about being in the right place at the right time. Without looking for it. Without expecting it. But being open to all that the Universe has to offer and being grateful for its abundance.
It also reminded me that we are always where we are meant to be. It’s just sometimes we are more prepared than others. And more importantly sometimes we are more open to receive the gifts and treasures of the Universe than other times.
Take a look at this perfect photo taken by an ordinary person on an ordinary walk on an ordinary day. Yet he was able to capture the extraordinary in an ordinary moment by being extraordinarily present and open to Universe in the right place at the right time.

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