Sunday 8 April 2012

Finding the willpower to reserve Sundays for me and my family

Happy Easter everyone.
I stayed in bed with my daughter wrapped around me like a snake. Feeling her warm body curled into mine. Her head full of curls tickling my nose. My husband cuddled into the other side and dared not move. The sweetness of the moment. The comfort of the moment. Becoming more important than getting up and doing anything else.
I felt my blog calling my name. Lulling me. Trying to pull me out of my comfort zone. But I resisted. Writing this blog is like my lifeline at the moment. It keeps me centred. Focused. By allowing me to understand a lot about what is going on with me on a deeper level. However I am also feeling like I need a day to allow those feelings to fester. To grow. To go in directions untouched by me.
I also feel Sunday mornings are turning into my mornings of relaxation with my family and a time for me to chill out and think of nothing.
Therefore I have decided that I am not going to blog on Sundays anymore. I need a day to be with me and with my family without feeling compelled to do anything. Not to say I don’t enjoy writing my blog, I do. In fact, it may be very difficult for me to resist the desire to stir my feelings. Harness them.  Write about them. I don’t know if I will be strong enough to do it but I am going to try.
I am also reaching a point where I want my children to have a day without being online or being on the computer so I have to set an example by having a day when electronics are turned off and we spend a good old fashioned day together. Enjoying each other with no interference from the outside world.
I hope you can understand where I am coming from. And I hope I can remain true to my commitment to reserving Sunday as our family’s sacred day to being together.
So I’m off to enjoy today with my family even if it means staying in our PJs all day. Just being together is enough before I have to go back out into the rat race tomorrow. Enjoy your Easter Sunday, whatever the day represents for you.

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