Friday 27 April 2012

We attract what we project

I started yesterday morning off feeling really confused and with no real energy to start the day. Trying to understand the way I was feeling, I wrote a blog about my feelings. Put them out there. And then I surrendered them. Breathed them in. Breathed them out. I was then lead to an article by Deepak Chopra about Oprah’s visit to India. It was all inspiring. Gave me goose bumps with such lines as, “I believe that what you do to others is already done to you.... My strength is seeing myself in other people and being able to connect on a spiritual, human level. I am not my brother's keeper. I am my brother (or sister). My greatest talent is to connect the commonality in our human experience so people can see themselves and their possibilities in others. 
I'm at heart a storyteller who loves life stories that demonstrate our capacity to feel more human, to fall down and get back up to triumph, to love. I would like to see a more awakened and conscious world aware of the consequences of our choices and willingness to make changes. That's my greatest hope, a more enlightened world.
I felt my heart lifting. My soul shining. My breathing getting easier. Her words are words I could have spoken because they are exactly how I feel about myself. I am here for a Divine purpose. Recognising the reason why I am so attracted to Oprah, I wanted to explore more so I went to her website where I found the quote, "Instead of looking and around and saying, I’m happy because of what I have in my hand, I'm happy because of what I have in my heart."—Dr. Jack Cline.
It brought tears to my eyes. 
Feeling inspired I decided to check out Facebook to see what my friends were up to and  found inspiration in every post I read. Allowing me to know that we get whatever it is that we put out there. By shifting my energy from negative to positive, I was embraced by the light. Given nuggets of inspiration to remember we are what we project.
We attract into our lives whatever it is we are looking for. Reminding me we really have to be careful about what we project because that is exactly what we will attract. Life gives us exactly what we ask not often the way we thought it would happen or not when we thought it would happen sometimes but it does. Reminding me the power of suggestion is all important.
Thank you for allowing me to see I am the Madame of my Destiny. If I send conflicting messages to the Universe I will attract conflicting gifts back. If I seek clarity, I will get clarity. If I am negative, I will attract negativity. If I am full of love, light, happiness and abundance, I will attract all of these gifts and treasures in my life. And for this lesson I am truly grateful.
Yesterday turned into an all inspiring day as a result. Here's to another day.


  1. Thankyou for this Cathy...It helps sometimes to get that "nudge" from fellow passengers!
    You have helped me,today!
    lots of love,
    Lynn x

    1. Thanks Lynn I am trying so hard to understand this journey called life. AS soon as I think I get it something comes along and takes me on another path. But I guess that's called growth. Have a great day and thanks for encouraging me by sharing in my journey.
