Thursday 26 April 2012

Calming the helter skelter

There are so many more demands on us than ever before because of the advance in technology. We know too much or we think we know too much about what’s happening all around the world because the information is only a click away on our computers. We are expected to respond quickly to every demand made on us because of the Internet. 
I don’t know about you but I am suffering from brain overload at the moment. I have so many demands, so many choices to make, so many obligations that sometimes I just want to sit in a chair facing the sun on my own and shut the rest of the world off. Sometimes I just want to silence the chatter in my head. The constant demands I put on myself because I am expected to be a certain way. Complete certain tasks. Be on point all the time.
Sometimes I just want to listen to nothing but the sound of silence so I can really and truly hear what my instincts, inner compass, or third eye is trying to tell me. Trying to guide me. Lately I have been feeling flustered trying to keep up. Trying to prioritize what’s important. Trying to please. And I am feeling slightly overwhelmed because I’m not sure if the decisions I am making are the ones I really want to make. Or if I am making them because that’s what everyone expects me to do.
I am trying not to be too hard on myself because I know I am human and I know I am constantly being tested as are so many of you at the moment. I am trying to be patient and surrender to the Universe so it can guide me to where I am meant to be. However I sometimes get impatient and worry that I am missing out on opportunities because I am trying to be it all rather than just being.
Just getting these thoughts out there has helped to calm the energy that has been churning inside me. Has unblocked some of my apprehensions. So this has been a good thing. I just have to let them out every once in a while and hope for the best. I know now that the sound of silence is a gift from the Universe. A gift for us to inhale our chatter and exhale our fears leaving us with clean energy. Allowing us to see the possibility ever present in our lives. The abundance. The love.
I know it is important to believe in possibility. Because possibility gives us hope.  Without hope there is no possibility. We always have to have faith because without faith, there is no hope. We always have to be patient and not over extend ourselves because then we will miss the everyday blessings that are there for the taking.
Today I will take deep breaths whenever I feel myself going helter skelter. I will close my eyes and see myself sitting in that chair all alone facing the sun absorbing its rays and emptying my mind of all the unnecessary chatter. I will allow the rays of the sun to cleanse me. To free me. That way I will accept, believe and know I am blessed. I will know I am enough. I will remember I am all that I am meant to be. And instantly my energy will change and become the loving, forgiving and abundant energy it always is when I allow it.

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