Saturday 14 September 2013

The power of appreciating nature

Yesterday morning I woke up to one of the most beautiful skies I have seen in a long time. After over a week of rain and thick heavy clouds, the stars had been obscured. But yesterday they were out in their full glory. Low humidity and though the light had not yet come into the day, the twinkling of the stars set against the dark sky was so beautiful. Magical. Breathtaking and inspiring.
I stood at the door looking out over the morning sky. Listening to the silence of the new day. Not so worried that it was Friday the 13th because the promise of the day in that glorious sky allowed me to cast aside the suspicions of what this date and day is translated to mean. I felt great possibility and love flowing into my being. So much opportunity and space opened up within me that I felt a tear of joy pricking my eyes.
Allowing me to accept sometimes we have to go through the rain, the storms, the dark, dark days in order for us to appreciate when it all clears and we see the possibility again. To accept that if we always had a perfect starry sky with virtually no clouds, we would never appreciate it because we would expect it every single day. I whispered a prayer of gratitude to the Universe. Filling my mind, body and soul with love and understanding. Of possibility and unbounded joy.
And then a little later in the morning when the starry sky had given way to the morning light, I walked across the lawn to our rabbit’s cage to feed her and the freshness of the morning air enveloped me. Made me feel so free. And then a cardinal starting singing to his heart’s content. Attracting me to him. I looked for him and spotted him on the wire behind me. The wire that had replaced the one that had nearly taken my home months before. And my heart expanded even more in love.
After sorting Mysty out, as I walked back across the lawn to our home, the cardinal sang even louder. This time with me facing him. I looked at his magnificent red body and marveled at how such a small creature could be filling the whole morning with such morning joy from his song. That’s when I understood that no matter how small of a role we play in life, if we are doing it from our heart for the betterment of ourselves and for the betterment of mankind, it may seem small but will have a significant impact on our Universe. As did that little red bird.

When I reached the steps to our porch I thought of my favourite song that had come back to me through the posting of one of my loyal readers Shari-Lynn Pringle, “Morning has broken” …. And I was filled with such gratitude, such love, such possibility for appreciating the starting of a new day filled with nature’s wonders. Beautiful. Knowing that no matter what came my way that day, Friday teh 13th or not,  I would be able to handle it because I had experienced the depth and breadth of nature with love.  Namaste

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