Saturday 28 September 2013

Appreciating my sight

I can’t believe just how debilitating it is when I can’t see. I am at the hair salon this morning and forgot my glasses. I had planned to write my blog while I was here because I will be here for a while having my greys covered up. And because I was late getting up this morning, I was late leaving the house so of course I forgot my glasses but didn’t realise it until I got to the salon.
I attempted to write my blog with the intention of exploring another thought but because I can’t see, I realised the Universe was trying to show me how much we take our everyday faculties for granted. Not having the ability to see is a very strange feeling. And I didn’t realise just how much I rely on my glasses to see what I am doing.
Trying to write this blog without glasses is like trying to navigate through the dark without lights. It is actually very enlightening about how people who do not have their sight still function. How they have learnt to do things by using other senses. Unlike myself who is used to having all my faculties so when one is out of alignment, I feel lose. Showing me just how much I take for granted that I can see but don’t think twice about it.
We have so much to be grateful for those of us who have fully functioning physical and mental capabilities. Or as in my case need a little help to get us to our 100% state of operating by wearing reading glasses. I get it Universe I understand you are letting me know that it is the simple things in life that we often overlook because we are looking for the large, the grand, the exquisite. When it is the everyday that is the real miracle. The things we least expect that get us through those dark days. As a matter of fact that get us through any day.
So for today on this rainy Saturday morning, my blog will be short because I can’t torture myself anymore. Even with increasing the page size. The font size. And trying on everyone’s glasses in the salon, I have to admit this is too taxing to do as my focus is on trying to see the page rather than on trying to feel my writing as I normally do when I write.
I get that having an aspect of my whole being out of alignment such as my sight, affects my whole self. My ability to see affects my ability to feel. As would anything that we are used to having. Teaching me to appreciate even the most mundane things about who I am and the world in which I exist because it is those mundane things that make my life that much easier. Make my ability to navigate, feel and love that much greater and for this lesson I am truly grateful.
And I will never take for granted again how much easier it is when I am fully functional and I also applaud those who make do with their limited capacities because they have learned to compensate in other areas. To adapt. To go on with their lives with gratitude.
Signing out wishing I had my glasses but going for it anyway because my desire to write is greater than my desire to quit!  Reminding me there is a lesson in everything that happens in our lives – to remind us, teach us something about ourselves we take for granted or have suppressed.

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