Saturday 7 September 2013

Some days

Some days I don’t know where to begin or what to write about
Other days the words come tumbling out of my head and spill onto the screen
Some days I feel like a fraud
Like I am not a writer at all but just a woman hiding behind a façade
Some days I feel like I can do anything, be anything
Other days I want to hide from myself and the world
Some days I understand why I am here and what I am meant to do
Other days I don’t know who I am and what I want
Some days I confront myself head on
Other days I don’t know what confrontation is
Some days I feel on top of the world
Other days I feel like the world is on top of me
Some days I feel like a good wife and lover
Other days I wonder why I got married and question what love is
Some days I love my children to death – like they can do no wrong
Other days I wonder where they came from and what they came here to teach me
Some days I love what I do
Other days I think there has to be more to life than this
Some days I sit and wonder
Other days I get up and do
Some days I understand I am no different from any other person
When I am honest with myself
I know that some days will be stellar
And other days will not
That what I must do on those days when I can accomplish
Is to accomplish and do
And not worry about the days when I could not and did not
To remember just like I am not always the same
Neither is life
And on those days when I don’t want to get up and do
That’s when I need to do so even more
Because it is on those days that I learn the most
About who I am and who I am not
It is on those days when I want to bury my head in the sand
That the sand is asking me to understand the whys of life
And to keep going and discovering
Until my writing flows
My mind blows
My confidence expands
And my joy abounds
Because it is on those grey days when life becomes crystal clear
There are no two days alike
Just a journey meant to be enjoyed
A life to be lived
And a destination that is never reached until the end
So just enjoy it as much as I can
That’s when the smile comes
The gratitude returns
And the sun comes back out
Filling the grey day with light
The light of my journey
Filling my spirit with love
Such that I can go out into the world
Filled with love, light and compassion
Knowing some days I will be up
And other days I will be down
And that's okay
And for this message I am truly grateful


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