Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Riding on the beam of light called hope

Just when we think there is no way something is going to work. When we think we are all alone in our beliefs.  A door opens and a ray of light comes beaming through. And this beam of light is called hope. Teaching me that no matter what, if we are living our truth and living with an open heart, we will always see the possibility in everything. Because that possibility exists in hope and faith.
Letting me know the darkness we feel shrouded in. The pain we may feel inside. The fear we carry that no one can hear us. No one is listening to us are all necessary parts of our journey to help us to understand just how important it is to retain the faith that there is light on the horizon. To accept there is light within us all the time. It is up to us to not give up. To not give in. To continue to lead our lives in the best way we can as long as it is who we are and not who we are trying to project ourselves to be.
Hope is one of the greatest gifts we can ever give to ourselves because it asks us to believe even when no one else does. Asks us to endure even when everyone else is telling us to stop. Asks us to keep moving to the finish line even when the goal posts keep moving. Particularly when we see no end because we understand there is always an ending as there is always a beginning. Hope give us the faith needed to help us to see the ending is the beginning. That when one doors closes, that door was not meant for us and we are being led to the true door that has opened for us. 
Because hope is that which allows us to understand all of us are a part of the whole because we are the whole. That each one of us is a significant and necessary part of this wonderful journey called life. That each of us chose to come into this realm at exactly this same time to help manifest the experience we are having at the present moment. And when we realize what one does impacts and affects all of us on a deeper cosmic  level, we will understand that despair is the absence of hope. That hope is our greatest liberator because it allows us to see the light that is always there. Allowing us to have faith that the light is always available to us and for us because we are hope as hope is us.

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