Wednesday 26 June 2013

The best laid plans go to waste

Sometimes life does not turn out the way we expect. You know the old cliché "the best laid plans go to waste" is so true. What I am realizing more and more each day is that in order to feel good about where I am, I just have to let go of what I thought was so and embrace what is.  And when I do, I feel like I have liberated myself from something I did not even know was holding  me back.
When I acknowledge to myself that there is no perfect way to do anything. There is always the possibility that what I wanted is not really what is meant for me. When I stop resisting what is, that’s when what is meant to be, happens. But it only happens when I stop beating the dead horse. When I stop trying to force the key into the wrong lock. When the key breaks and I am left on the outside of the door rather than inside where all is well.
I find that when I trust and have faith in the Universe that’s when I feel such deep and heartfelt contentment with my life. When I am able to open doors freely. Discovering there was no key needed to open them in the first place. All that was needed was for me to be true to who I am. When I get still and listen to my innermost self I am gifted with a treasure greater than I ever expected. Greater than I ever dreamed possible.
I find that when I striving for something that I know deep down inside does not feel right to me, I struggle. I feel like I am banging my head up against the wall. I feel frustrated with my lack of progress.  So I keep banging my head up against the wall.  Until the wall crumbles. Leaving me standing looking at the mess of the wall. Realizing the outcome was not what I wanted in the first place. That the mess is greater than the wall that was there trying to stop me from going down the path not meant for me.
But when I listen to my inner most thoughts, when I surrender to all that is, I am always given what is best for me.  Best for my growth. Best for my character. Best for my spirit. And when I surrender and accept the locked door or the wall in front of me was placed there as a detour to change my path, there is nothing greater than the joy and satisfaction that come with it. But it only comes when I trust, let go and go with the flow.
And when I show gratitude for even the most perceived mundane gifts that come my way, my joy and satisfaction intensify because I know each one is sent to help me to grow.  When I follow my higher instincts and listen to my heart, I am always in the rhythm of life, the natural flow where there are no locked doors or walls to keep me out of where I am meant to be. Instead I go with my flow which is in turn the flow of the Universe. Allowing me to accept I am where I am meant to be. To embrace what is. Where I am right now. Opening me up to possibility, spirit,the gifts, treasures and abundance of the Universe. And for this lesson I am truly grateful. Namaste.

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