Monday 10 June 2013


There used to be a time when I hated Mondays. Sunday nights I would become agitated because I knew I had to start a whole new work week. A full week of schedules. Work. School. Lunches made for my children. Thinking about all that was negative rather than looking at the fact that I woke up on Monday morning. That I had a whole new week to be who I am meant to be. To explore who I am not. To spread love and light into the world from the love and light I receive so abundantly from the Universe.
So now when I feel that feeling of depravation coming over me on Monday mornings, I replace it with gratitude that I am here again. Ready to serve in the way I was sent here to serve. Ready to learn from everything and everyone that comes my way. Some experiences and people to remain in my life while are transitory. Here to teach then let go. But lessons learned with gratitude nonetheless.
Teaching me to change my perspective to say, wow, I have a new week beginning today. Another week to share what I have learned. To teach as much as I can from the trials and tribulations I experience. To gain as much as I can from life so I can live my life as fully as I possibly can.
And then I looked up and there in front of me is my best birthday present ever. My painting, Harmony, by Bear Cloud staring right back at me. Reminding me life is all about finding and achieving balance. Harmony. It is so wonderful to sit at my computer now and look up and see Harmony. Yin and Yang. Love and hate. Male and female. Teaching and learning. Acceptance and prejudiceness. Prisoners of our own minds and creators of our own minds.
So when I feel those feelings of too much to bear creeping up on me, I am reminded by my painting to inhale deeply and exhale slowly  because to every action and feeling there is an equal and opposite reaction and feeling. In everything there is harmony when we free ourselves from the limitations of our minds. When we allow ourselves to understand this too shall pass. This experience, no matter how trying, is here for a reason so I bless it then surrender it to the Universe. Then watch as it passes over me. Leading me to the other side of the mountain. Inhaling and exhaling the whole time.

So here’s to a new week of living and experiencing. A new beginning. A feeling of space. Of freedom. Of gratitude. And I no longer hate Mondays. Nor Sunday evenings. Because I know they are a necessary part of my growth. So here’s to another week everyone. A week of harmony, balance, love and light even in the face of our greatest darkness. Harmony. Namaste.

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