Wednesday 12 June 2013

Energy is a very powerful thing

I was between two minds about writing and posting the blog I wrote yesterday about people that talk behind our backs because it was a deeply personal issue for me. But boy was I glad I did. The conversations that ensued after  I posted my blog told me I had done the right thing by sharing something so personal for me. And what it did for everyone else was a bonus for me. A validation in some ways for writing about my truth.
I just wanted to reiterate that each one of us is an individual. With different hurts. Needs. Desires and lessons we have to learn. Sometimes those needs, wants, desires, hurts and lessons intersect and co mingle but they will never feel exactly the same to any one of us. Because we are each here to learn something slightly different. Therefore it is very important to not intentionally judge another person. Or place expectations on any person’s reaction to us. Because we will attract that same energy back into our lives.
When  someone does something to us, remember always it is not to us, it is for us. A gift for us to learn that much more about who we are and who we are not. We cannot spend the rest of our lives seeking revenge or wishing bad karma on the person who wronged us. Instead we need to thank them for helping us to see something about ourselves or themselves we would not have seen had they not done what they did.
It is these times  that drop us to our knees. Crush us to the ground. Make us want to retreat from human kind that allow us the most growth. And the reason they do is because they force us to dig deep. To go to that place inside all of us reserved just for us. That place that nurtures us and takes us back to the One Source. To the place where we receive the answers we are seeking about our trials and tribulations and allows us to glimpse the Divine.
But we only get to that place when we go deep. When we go into our silence and listen. Really listen. When we remain on the surface toing and froing with the person who has given us the gift of the Divine, we never see the Divine. Instead we see our own human limitations and we become the energy we hate. So instead of growing, we project that energy back into the world and we stall. Becoming fearful. Resentful. Angry. Disappointed. And that’s the energy we project to those who come into our space. And that’s why doors keep closing for us. Because without realizing what we are doing, our energy is so negative or desperate that it repels rather than attracts.
Energy is a very powerful thing. It is something we can’t see or touch. But it is there and it is energy that allows possibility into our lives. When I said I was hurt because people talk behind my back, I was and still feel twinges of the hurt. But what I also know is these people are talking about me because there is something about me they want. Not because they really hate me but really because they love me but can’t admit it to themselves because in some strange way, they believe it will take something away from them if they were to admit it.
Though I know on a deeper and spiritual level there is nothing I can do about what someone else says about me, does to me, sometimes my human limitations allow my ego to rear its ugly head and I become what I despise.  Making my lesson that much harder to learn. Taking longer for me to get to my Divine space. But what I do know is when I allow myself to go to that place. The place of the Divine where all is balanced, I understand that no words uttered from anyone can hurt me. No actions by someone are done to me. I understand that everything and everyone that comes into my life comes for my good. For me to decide who I am and who I am not. And from there who will be in my life and who will not. Energy is a very powerful thing. Not something to be taken lightly. Nor for granted. But to be treated with the utmost respect. Because energy is who we are, was and ever will be. It is a projection of who we really are on the inside and it is what either makes or breaks us in this world.
And whatever we utter about who we are, that’s who we become. We are as great as we believe we are. As capable as what we believe. As abundant as what we believe. And always, we are the energy we project.

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