Friday 28 June 2013

Life is all about how we view it

Just two days ago, my family narrowly escaped a catastrophic event on Tuesday June 26. And as I was walking around our yard, I realized my yard is a clear illustration of how we choose to view our lives. The charred section of the yard versus the rest of our yard. Destruction on one side and abundance and life on the other.
If I turned my back to where the fire occurred and faced my yard on, it looks pristine. Perfect and green. Birds flying around. Butterflies fluttering. Trees blossoming. Flowers blooming. The perfect picture representation of life moving on. Life living. Birth. Beginnings.
But if I turn to face the area of the yard where the fire was, I feel like I am looking at the apocalypse. Burnt out and charred bits and pieces of items that were once whole.  Desolation. Death. Endings. And if I chose to stand and feel sorry for myself by looking at all I have lost rather than turning and facing the abundance and fortune I have based on what was saved. What remains without even being touched by the fire, I could miss out on all that is left. Miss out the gifts and treasures and abundance that still remains.
I could miss out on the lesson that was sent to me and to my family by the power greater than us but is within us at the same time. I could miss seeing that we were being told to not concentrate on the things in life that don’t work out as planned. Not to focus on all that is burned and charred. Not to focus on what we have no control over. Not to focus on lack.
Instead if we turned to face all that is still available to us. All that remains. We will see there is still so much in life to be grateful for. So much in life to live for. That even when things burn and go away, there is always a sense of endings and beginnings. A sense of renewal. That even in our darkest night if we turn away from the loss, we will see there is still the light.
When I look at my yard, I am reminded our lives are lived according to how we view our circumstances. We can either wallow in the sorrow of what we have lost or we can turn to the light and the all we always have. The abundance freely and always available to us when we turn to face it and truly see and appreciate what we have. What we have control over and what is working for us.
When we do our whole perspective changes and we see we have so much in our lives. Much more than what we have lost. So much to live to and to feel blessed for. I am grateful to still have a home. To still have my family. To still have a yard full of life and beginnings. Learning to concentrate on all that I have gained rather than on what I have lost.
And that’s what the Universe was trying to teach me and I could not see it until I almost lost it. And for this lesson in abundance versus lack I am truly grateful.


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