Thursday 6 June 2013

Sometimes when I meditate

Sometimes when I meditate I go to a place far, far away where there is no beginning nor end. Where there is nothing but white light and my thought and the thoughts of the Universe all mingling together. So much so that I hear nothing but silence. And in that silence a clear vision of the Nothingness that represents the All. And I get such a feeling of appreciation, love, abundance and awe. I understand that I am an important part of the whole as are we all when I surrender and allow myself to connect back to the Source. To the all knowing. To the place where there is no beginning nor end.
Sometimes I get so lost in the nothingness that is the all that I lose track of time because in this place there is no sense of time. Sometimes I feel like I am being lifted up out of my physical being and transported to a place where there is no dimension, no defined place. It just is. And in this state, I touch the All Knowing. The field of possibility. The Source of us all. And I feel such gratitude. Such amplitude. Such love and light flow through me.
I allow myself to dwell l in this place for as long as I am humanly capable of remaining. Because once I think too much about where I am, before I know it, I am transported back into my human limited form. My physical being. Once again defined by dimension that does not exist in the All Knowing,. The place where there is no beginning nor end. The place of the One Source. The All. The Whole. The place of the White Light.
This morning I experienced this beautiful place and unlimited space when I found myself in my meditation soaring off the side of a cliff. Floating. Being carried to the One  Source. Being given the privilege of experiencing all that was, is and ever will be. Being shown that no matter what happens, has happened and will happen, it is all a part of the Divine Plan. Of which I am a part. Of which I have always been a part, and always will be a part. Allowing me to understand every action has a knock on effect because we are all a part of the Whole. A part of the All Knowing. The White Light. The One Source.
And I came out of my meditation this morning feeling tremendous heat. Feeling tremendous possibility. Sensing there is no need to worry. Because all is as it is meant to be. Feeling tremendously grateful for all that I am, was and ever will be for so shall it be said, so shall it be done. I am a part of the Whole. A part of the One Source. A part of each one of us because we are all one. All united in our common beginning and end because we and it are all one in the same.

And for this glimpse into who I am and was and ever will be, I am truly grateful. With love and light and peace and blessing I accept,Thy will be done. Namaste.

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