Saturday 22 June 2013

God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves

I had a restless night last night. I find that whenever there is a pivotal full moon approaching as is the one tomorrow night, my brain gets scrambled. Full of thoughts, people, events that are in the deepest recesses of my brain. I see them clearly. Hear them in my dream almost as if I am awake. And then I can’t decide if I am awake or asleep. I wake up in hot sweats. Not just from menopause but from life itself and my thoughts.
So this morning when I woke up or decided I had had enough of being on bed, I got up to the joyful noise of the birds. Their music always makes me smile. Always makes me feel better because it tells me life is moving on and I am still blessed to be a part of it.
But this morning even with the rhythm of life playing out around me, I felt a bit sad and confused by certain actions that people have been taking of late. People who know exactly what they are doing to manipulate in order to become the center of attention regardless of who they hurt along the way. And I know I am big enough to rise above that manipulative behavior from a spiritual level but there is also my human limited and egotistical other half that wants to jump in the ring and fight them. So last night a lot of these scenarios were playing out in my head. Taunting me. Almost as if I was being tempted to sink to the level of the lowest common denominator.
So I meditated. Allowed my brain to quieten. To go to the Source.  I felt the tension easing. My sense of purpose coming back.
Such that when I opened my eyes, I was led to read my daily meditation. Something I normally do after I write my blog. But this morning I was led to it before and once I did, I knew I was being led to the answer from the Divine in the words, “God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves.”  
A light bulb went off in my head as I understood the why of what has been happening of late. The situations are not to punish me or to demean me. Au contraire, they have been sent by the Divine, The Force that is greater than me that is also within me, to see situations I am not meant to be in. To understand when I refuse to get out of bad situations of my own volition, God, Allah, Jehovah, Buddha, or whatever it is we want to call the Force that is greater than us but is also within us, always provides the way for us to see where we are not meant to be and who we are not meant to be with.
When we take too long to make the decision, the decision is made for us and is often not in a pleasant way. And the reason it is so harsh is because we failed to see the signs along the way. Refused to take the path that the One Source had been showing us was the easy one.
But there is no refusing what is and what is not particularly when we throw our hands up and whisper help to the Divine. Because whether we realize it or not, we are always given exactly what we ask for – sometimes not when we want it nor in the form we thought we would get it. And it’s not always the thing that we carry in the forefront of our thoughts. No, it is the intention that is buried deep down inside us that is meant for us. And most often it becomes the thing we say we don’t want because that is the energy we are projecting to the Universe. So that is what we are given.
So when we can’t remove ourselves from situations, when we feel we are stuck and can’t go on, when we set our intentions, consciously or not, that is the vibration we are sending, the energy we are projecting and that’s when, “God does for us what we cannot for do ourselves.” So be careful what we ask for, set our intentions on, because that is exactly what we will get.
Thank you Universe, One Source, Force greater than me that is also within me, for helping me to see the situations troubling me were given to me to do what I could not do on my own. See on my own. Without being shown the truth and the light by the power of the Divine. In the light of the glorious moon last night with the answer arriving on the promise of this new way on this new day. With love and light. I am blessed to see and hear and heed the messages of the One Source. And for this blessing and lesson I am truly grateful. Namaste.

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