Tuesday 11 June 2013

People that talk behind our backs

Why is it that when we find out someone has spoken disparagingly about us that we take it so personally? Feel like the world is against us? Become paranoid about who is talking about us and why they are talking about us? Wonder how many others are talking about us? Allowing it to build and build until we become so paranoid that we feel like closing our hearts to everyone. Feeling like there is no one to trust.
Lately so many people are talking behind the backs of those who could be their best helpers. Their greatest supporters. Instead these people seem to think that by pulling someone else down, it means they look better. They believe that by talking badly about someone else, it deflects away from their own insecurities and shortcomings.
But what they fail to realize is by pulling others down, what they are doing is pulling themselves down. All of us down because we are a collective consciousness and what one does has a ripple effect on us all. Negative energy begets negative energy. It is like a little dust ball that gathers dust as it rolls down the hill. Growing with each bit of negative dust it collects. Until it becomes so large that it is hard to see beyond the darkness. Hard to know there is light outside of it. Because people becomes so embroiled in the darkness that they become it.
And then they wonder why they can’t get out. Why it feels like they are suffocating. Why they feel so small. And why they become so paranoid. Recently I have discovered that several people who I would have done anything for, have decided for some reason that they want to take from me in order to feel better about themselves. And because I am human, I took on that behavior. Feeling betrayed. Let down. Hurt. Learning about these betrayals I tried my hardest to be as tough as I could and not show the hurt. But hurt is something that can’t be suppressed. It is a very powerful feeling. A feeling that helps us to grow when we acknowledge it rather than suppress it. Because it teaches us something about ourselves.
And when we accept the hurt, feel it and listen to the why we are hurt, we are liberated from the darkness to understand the why. And what I discovered about these people that talk about me or anyone of us behind our backs, is they are really not talking about us. They are talking about themselves. They are trying to pull us down so they may rise. They are actually complimenting us by speaking our names, whether good or bad.
When we don’t matter, people don’t do anything to hurt us. They leave us alone. When we matter that’s when people speak our names.  And the very thing they are tearing us down for is the very thing they want. They desire for themselves. If they would only listen to their own words. Really hear them. Really feel where those words are coming from, they would understand that they are really crying out for help. And the very people they are trying to hurt are the ones they need to help them to learn. If they would sit back and contemplate what they are doing and why they are doing it, they would learn something about themselves and stop adding to the pestilence and mistrust that is growing like wildfire in our world.
They would see that each one of us is here for a reason. And that reason is to help each other. Not hurt each other. We are all of each other. Not against each other. And when we talk about another, we are talking about ourselves. Because how would we know what they are feeling unless we are projecting our own feelings onto them?
The simple answer to the taking of energy rather than spreading it is to remember there is enough in this world for us all. We don’t need to take from each other to gain for ourselves. Instead if we would share what we have, we would find we gain even more. Never less. Always more.

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