Wednesday 17 April 2013

Thy will be done

I overslept this morning because jet leg is finally catching up with me. The first few nights I had only slept for about 3 to 4 hours. Now my body is telling me it needs more than that. It needs to more sleep time to catch up. So I went to bed last night at 9.30 thinking I would wake up fresh and ready to go this morning.
Not so. When my alarm went off, I could barely reach it to shut it off because I was so tired. And when I did shut it off, I must have drifted back into a deep sleep. But was later awoken by these words, “We cannot allow circumstances to control us. We need to control the way we respond to circumstances. “
The words came to me like a bright light this morning. I sat up in a daze. Thinking am I awake or am I still dreaming? Rubbing my eyes so I could look at the clock. When I saw the time, at first I was in a really bad mood. Panicky mood. Thinking because I was late the whole day was going to be late. That we would leave the house late. That it would take me too long to write my blog because I would be panicking about what to write rather than just writing it.
And then I took a deep break and told myself, it is what it is. Allowing the circumstances of the situation to sink into my being. It was then that I realized I was being given a message from the Universe. That I was being guided by my angels or my guides to tell me that I am in charge of the way I feel, think and react. I am the one who can change the way I react to circumstances.
Knowing it was this message that forced me out of my sleep. Helped me to see I had overslept by about half an hour. Taking me through the stages of accepting where I found myself. First I was panicky because I thought I had sabotaged my  morning routine of waking up to meditate then writing my blog by oversleeping. I like the silence of the morning. The time when I have no one asking me for anything. No one making demands on me. No one to listen to but myself and my thoughts. And it is at this time of the day that I like to set my intention for the day. I thought none of this was going to happen.
But then the words came back and I let them come back. Allowing them to penetrate my whole being and then I knew. I knew I was meant to oversleep this morning because my body, mind and soul needed it. That my whole being was exhausted and my guides had given me that extra half hour just to catch up. And they had sent me the message, “we cannot allow circumstance to control us. We need to control the way we respond to circumstances,” as my alarm, my wake up call, to remind me when I start to panic or react, it is up to me to shift my response. It is up to me to set my intention. It is up to me to be the way I want.
Immediately I felt better about where I was and why I was late. Allowing me to inhale deeply and exhale. Releasing my panic. My concerns. My worries. And then I said to the Universe, “I am grateful I woke up this morning regardless of how late it is. And more importantly I accept thy will be done. Amen.”
I got up with a smile on my face. Pep in my step because I had accepted I was where I was meant to be. I sat down at my computer, put on my meditation music and meditated then I wrote my blog. Feeling at peace and at ease.
Accepting my angels and guides are definitely showing me the way today. And for them and my ability to let go, I am truly grateful. Because I have seen first hand this morning that we cannot allow circumstance to control us. We need to control the way we respond to circumstances. This is the only way we can feel at peace with ourselves. The only way we have the ability to create the best outcome for ourselves. And for this lesson and wake up call this morning I am truly grateful. Amen.

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