Friday 5 April 2013

A personal journey through sacred Kauai with El Herrington

Yesterday was our last full day in Kauai. I am sad to be leaving today but excited to have experieinced the magic of this Island. To have felt its presence deep down in my soul. Reconnecting me to spirit. To a time and place long long ago in a space and time far from here when my whole being knew of its existence.
I am so grateful to have answered the call of Kauai. To return to the place where I have been before. To reconnect with the Source. My source. To drive along 56 and see whales in the ocean. Playing. Toying. In their vast playground of the Pacific Ocean. Feeling their presence and finding them whenever I wanted to see them.
I woke up yesterday morning feeling the need to reconnect with El. To journey with her throughout the scared spots on Kauai that seemed to be beckoning me. Asking me not to leave Kauai without connecting with them.
Guilt was telling me it was my family's last full day here and we should spend the whole time together. Time and space was telling me it was my last day here and I needed to understand the reason why I was called back to Kauai and the only person who could guide me was El. I wrestled with the decision until the decision was made for me and there was no turning back.
I picked up the phone and called El, the woman whose spirit reminds me so much of my own mother who passed away over 36 years ago. The woman who presided over our renewal vows. The woman I knew was sent to me from a Higher Power to help me to experience the why of Kauai for me. We connected and arranged to meet at 10 am to begin our journey. My journey back to the source.
As we drove along, the mountain that had been calling to me since I arrived on the Island. The mountain my son and I had nicknamed the sleeping giant called me even louder. I could feel its power when El told me the mountain is one of the most sacred spots on Kauai. She is called the Sleeping Goddess  My heart almost stopped when she told me of the Sleeping Goddess. How could my son and I have known to call the mountain the sleeping giant when it is known as the sleeping goddess. Because I had always known came the answer but just forgot.
We parked the car and stood at the closet point we could to my mountain of connection. I closed my eyes and let her presence flow through me as she has done since the time I stepped onto the Island but this time I understood her and invited her in. Behind my closed eyes I could feel a well of emotion bubbling. Tears stinging the corners of my eyes. Red light flashing behind my closed lids as the power of the majestic and powerful sleeping goddess invoked my inner goddess inviting her to come out again. To show her power. To claim who I truly am. Tremours rushing through my body as I inhaled her power. Holding onto her strength for as long as I could then exhaling slowly to honour her presence.
We then moved on to our next location which was to look at the crown of the sleeping Goddess. Her power again infusing mine. Me asking for the courage to be the woman I am, the healer I am, the giver and receiver of love and light I am so I could share with those who come onto my path.
As we drove on, El point out the real sleeping giant mountain, Mountain NouNou who is just down from the sleeping Goddess. The power emanating from these two giants so strong. Such high energy flowing it is almost indescribable. The yin yang of male and female energies combining to create a force that was filling me up. Preparing me for what was to come next.
And then when I thought there was no more power to be had we drove on to Lydgate Park back to where our vows were reaffirmed. And then we stood in the ocean. Allowing the water to run over our toes sending out our prayers and thanks to the ocean - that which connects us all. And while we were there a large stick hit me hard on the ankle. Shocking me back to the present moment  Out of my dream like state. El said it was to awaken me. Asking me to listen and to pay attention. That stick followed me along the beach hitting me each time until I picked it up and took it with me. Reminding me to remember.
We collected special nuts to give as offerings of thanks for each sacred site. We then drove to the base of the Wailua River where we stopped at the scared birthing site which was reserved only for royalty in days gone by. There the energy was that much more powerful. I could feel I was being rebirthed, recreated to do as I am meant to do here. Told by spirit not to do anything, force anything. To just keep doing what I am doing and when the time is right, everything will fall into place. As it has always done. To let go of worry and despair. And to embrace love, light and abundance instead.
We then drive up the hill to the Opaekaa Falls, a beautiful and majestic place as the energy flowed throughout my body  Relaxing me, building me, restoring me. Inhaling and exhaling. Letting the moment fill me up. Satiate me.
We then drove to a temple on the beach. I felt its presence before we even got there. Drawing me in. We stopped and asked permission to enter and then when we did I knew I was in the right place for my journey. I closed my eyes in reverence to the place of wisdom and all knowing. Asking spirit to show me a sign if I am on the right path. I opened my eyes to see whales playing in the ocean. Tingling sensations all throughout my body. Laughing and feeling free I knew spirit was answering me with the whales. I just knew
We ended our journey at a hidden sacred spot where the stone was large and bold. I asked the stone to give me the strength to carry out the duties I was sent here to do. I asked the stone to infuse me with the love and light I need to share with those who so choose to come onto my path. I asked the stone for the ability to be nonjudgemental and to know who is meant to be in my circle and who is not. If I am worthy to help me to go out with the love and light of the Spirit.
And as I walked away, my phone rang and it was my family calling to ask where we were. Breaking me out of my spell back to reality. But not before thanking the Universe for bringing me back home. To where it all began. To where I began.
Kauai is a magical, mythical and magnificent place infused with light, rainbows, ocean and water. A place that will remain in my heart forever. In gratitude to Kauai for beckoning me back home and for bringing El to me to guide me through my transitioning. For reawakening me to the power of Spirit and the connection of us all. Namaste.

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