Saturday 20 April 2013

Spring has finally sprung

Spring has finally sprung for us in Bermuda. The last few days have been glorious. The sun is shining brightly. The clouds are like those fluffy little pillows where you can find special images meant just for you. The birds are in full chorus. Flowers are blooming. And there is a feeling of hope and possibility in the air as a result of nature’s rebirthing itself. Gone are the gray dark days. Making way for the long days full of light.
Telling me always to remember even when everything inside and around me feels dead, it’s because I am on the cusp of being reborn. When the colours and even I feel dull, I am in my cocooning period. Waiting to be reborn. Waiting to emerge from my period of darkness.
Life has a way of shutting us down. Asking us to go within. To explore what we want and need in our lives. To determine whether our wants are as important as our needs. To determine if the wants are driven by ego rather than by love. To determine whether that prize we so desperately want is the prize that will bring us the most fulfillment. Or if it is to fulfill our wants. Our egos.
I am discovering that fulfilling needs versus wants and desires have very different outcomes. Fulfilling needs usually come without much struggle. And they are usually brought to us in the least expected ways. Delivered to us when we least expect. Gift wrapped just as we need.
Fulfilling wants and desires on the other hand usually come with much struggle, hardship and in the end do not fulfill what we thought they would.  Instead I feel like I am carrying a burden because when that desire or want is fulfilled I always lose something in return. It’s almost like I am bartering with my dark side to get something that is not rightfully mine and in doing so I lose something or take on something I never intended in the first place.
That’s why we have the seasons. To remind us there is a season for everything. The winter season is our dark season. When everything dies off. Giving us the time to go into ourselves. To reflect on what’s important in life. To experience the cold and short dark days. To prepare ourselves for spring when all of our thoughts and needs are allowed to bubble to the surface and we are reborn.
All I know is we have to really take our period of darkness as a gift to really reflect on what it is that will bring us the most satisfaction and clearly set our intentions. Because if we don’t we end up holding the bag of an outcome we did not anticipate.
Spring has definitely sprung in Bermuda. The colours are vivid. The birds are chirping. There is a feeling of rebirth in the air. And I am feeling it deep in my soul too. Inhaling deeply the new. Exhaling slowly the old. Telling the Universe I am ready to embrace the new. Whispering, Thy will be done. And letting go.
And for the changing of seasons to remind me of the cycles of life, I am truly grateful. Namaste.

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