Saturday 27 April 2013

2013 a Year of Endings and Beginnings

2013 seems to be a year of lots of endings. People dying. Young ones at that. Jobs being lost. Tragedies occurring where innocent lives are taken. Friendships and relationships ending. There are lots of people hurting in the world right now. Hurting because they have lost people, places and things they never dreamed they would.
But there is a reason for these events and situations. And we may not understand them in the moment but eventually their meanings will come to light. But what I do notice is that when tragic events or life shattering events occur, the door that closed allows room for another to open.
Endings allow us to take stock of where we are in our lives and go through periods of deep thinking and inner listening to determine how it is we want to emerge from our hurtful situations. For some it is easier to do than others. For some it is hanging on to all the pain and trying to find blame rather than going within and seeing what it is we truly asked for when we came here. What lessons we asked to learn. What trials and tribulations we came here to overcome so we can understand who we are and what we want out of this life. And it does not matter what others may have said or done to us to hurt us, it is all about what we want.
2013 is reflective of the turmoil we are all experiencing. The readjustment of our life plans and the way we carry out our every day existence. Many of us are crying out for mercy. For help. For love because we are being bombarded with so much tragedy and despair. Life is changing so much. The way we interact with each other is changing so much. So much so, it is difficult to keep up. To change at the pace life is changing around us. Do we give up? No we do not.
We can change when we give ourselves the time to stop and to reflect. When we stop and give ourselves the time to inhale and exhale. When we stop and give ourselves the time to shut out the noise of the outside world and listen to the voices of our inner guides.
We always know when we are heading in the right direction. We always know when tragedy is about to strike. We always know when we are with the wrong people. We always know when we are with the right people. It’s all about how our hearts and souls feel and respond to the environments we find ourselves in. When we stop and listen to our inner guides, that’s when we know how to deal with whatever circumstance we may be confronted with. That’s when we know when it is time to say goodbye. That’s when we know why we had to say goodbye to someone or something we really loved at a point in our lives. That’s when we know when it is time to shut the door on the hurt we have experienced and open the door to the new.
Sometimes it takes more time than we dreamed because we are shocked by the unexpected. But eventually all is revealed when we allow ourselves to heal by listening to the voices of our inner most guides. Only then can we learn that endings are doorways to some of the greatest healings of our lives. Allowing us the key to the new beginnings that come with every ending.
So I will rephrase my first sentence to say 2013 is a year of reckoning, retribution and more importantly a year of great healing for us all. It is a year of endings providing portals to new beginnings. May we have the strength to close the doors that need to be closed to give us the power to open the ones we need to move forward.


  1. Timely and, as always, so very perceptive and on point. Thanks for sharing your love and light. It is truly inspirational. Namasté. xo

  2. Namaste Shari-Lynn. We are all one. In gratitude.
