Tuesday 31 July 2012

Loving what is

Day 8 Bisham Abbey dock enroute to Bermuda. Our last morning on Sancerre. The sun streaming through the windows yet again. Light coming in to wake us let us know it is time to go. Time to leave the Thames and go back to reality. Taking our memories with us. Worrying about the journey back and what tomorrow will bring.
We are all fairly subdued getting everything packed away and Sancerre clean so we could to leave it  in a similar fashion to the way David handed it to us. The swans coming to the window as soon as we open it. Hissing at us to give them food. They are so beautiful. So regal. Sticking their beaks in the window looking for food. My daughter throwing food out to them. And we are ready before 9 am, when we hand Sancerre back over to David. None of us really wanting to leave but knowing we have to go.
David arriving at 8.45. The taxi there for us at 8.55. A larger taxi this time - a van. They’ve obviously been forewarned about our luggage. Hugging David like we are long lost friends. A connection made for a reason. Even the swans hanging at the dock as if they are seeing us off.
Our journey to Gatwick from Maidenhead is nowhere near as challenging as our journey getting there. We go from taxi to train to train to airplane. Time folding in on itself once we land in Bermuda. From river scenery to ocean scenery. From greens to blues. Stepping off the airplane, we know we are home when the humidity takes our breath away and everything suddenly becomes limp. Bermuda’s way of welcoming us home. Heat and humidity. Colours and light.
As we drive home in the taxi, all of us exhausted, giving us time to go into our own thoughts and reflect. Giving me time to realise my life really isn’t that bad. How many people can go on vacation to beautiful and idyllic scenery like the Thames to return to equally beautiful and idyllic scenery like Bermuda and call it their home as I can? How often do we take for granted what is there in front of us because we are always projecting for something more. Always searching rather than being.
Sure I was sad to leave the Thames but what I realise now more than ever is that’s what vacations are for when we really surrender to them. Vacations are meant to help us to take a step back from our everyday lives. To remind us to stop existing and remember how to have fun. How to live.  To go within. To shut out the outside world. To recharge. And you know what that’s exactly what I did on this vacation. I surrendered wholeheartedly to my family. To the journey. To the silence.
And when I went to bed last night I thanked the Universe for allowing me to tap into the abundance that is within me and all of us – the abundance of love, of gratitude, of faith. To know that everything is unfolding as it is meant to be. And as long as I am true to who I am, life will always allow me even more abundance and love. And for all of my blessings I am truly grateful.
It’s unbelievable to think night before last I went to bed on the Sancerre on the Thames in a completely different country. And that I went to bed last night in my own bed and woke up in my own bed this morning in my Island home of Bermuda. The light of the moon streaming through my windows welcoming me back home. The familiar sounds of the tree frogs and the familiarity of my home comforting me. Everyone still asleep as I type. My brain going a thousand miles an hour with thoughts bombarding me about what happens next.
Nervous about going back to work after being out for two weeks. But knowing the shape of the day is up to me. Like that little girl I became cycling through Henley on Thames. Throwing herself to the wind and to fate. Letting her journey be more important than the destination. So shall I, the grown woman, wife and mother I am today. So shall I.
And then I did my meditation for the day with Deepak Chopra and lo and behold the theme today was Loving what is. A message and gift from the Universe letting me know that today is a brand new day meant to be lived and unfold as per the Divine Plan. Without attachment. Without ego. Without expectation. Accepting my life as it is not as what I believe it is meant to be. Allowing me to connect with my true nature. Loving what it is. Thank you Deepak Chopra and the Universe once again for reminding me even in the midst of everything we can always find peace because we are products of our beliefs. Namaste.

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