Sunday 22 July 2012

The past is my present to your future

Well it's officially our last morning in Newcastle. The week has flown by at warp speed which obviously means we enjoyed ourselves immensely. The weather even cooperated with us allowing us to enjoy so much of the outdoors. Spending time with my inlaws and just being together as a family.
I even managed to have my hair done by a hairdresser who used to be in Bermuda. Talking about the world getting smaller by the minute because of how well travelled we all are. How interdependent we are all. How connected we all are.
But something that stayed in my mind was a quote I saw engraved on a plaque that was dedicated to Richard Grainger, a builder and developer, who built a majority of the streets downtown in Newcastle in the 1800s, " The past is my present to your future." A wonderful way to leave Newcastle. As we are leaving behind my husband's parents and relatives and my children's grandparents and relatives whose pasts have paved the way for my children to be here and who will carry their memories into the future.
And then I started thinking about the meaning of the quote some more, "the past is my present to your future". Contemplating it until it all the words made absolute sense. Because I believe this quote is reminding us that the past is the present is the future. There is really no seperation between them because we are always present. We cannot live in yesterday. Nor can we live in tomorrow. Which means we can't live in the past. Nor can we live in the future. All we are able to do is live in the present. The present moment.
I also think it is apt for the quote to be placed beneath a circle. Depicting the never ending circle of life. There is no beginning or end. It is all. We are all. A part of infinity. The circle of life.
We will take a catch a train later this morning taking us away from Newcastle and away from my husband's parents as we travel to the second half of our holiday. They will go back to their normal routines. Probably counting the days to our next visit. The past blending into the present. The present blending into the future. Living each second, each moment as if it is all we have. Because it is really all we have. Changing my outlook on life. Bringing it all into perspective. It is up to all of us to remember that the past is our present to someone's future. As much as it is to our own. Always. Without question.
What we do in the present moment will impact someone's past as well as impact someone's future. Think about that and then live it as you would like the past and future to be written. Because it is up to us. Always and Forever. The past is my present to your future. Amen.
Goodbye Gateshead and NewCastle for now. Thanks for the fond memories. And for the gentle reminder that what I do today will impact both the past and future for someone.

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